Chapter 3:The First Day pt.2

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Jason then asks me "Let me guess, it's about your brother?". I nodded while saying "Unfortunately, yes. You and Jeremy's argue reminds myself of me and my brother. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be this sad. I promise not to cry about small things, ever again". Suddenly, I feel warm arms hugging from my back.

        I know it was Jason's warm arms, but this time it felt more warmer and calmer. "Let's go somewhere after school. The three of us, together" whispered Jason softly to my left ear. "Jason, you don't-" said me when suddenly Jason cuts off my words saying "You remember me, telling myself ; "I would do anything to make Catherine Brooks happy"" . I was speechless. I didn't know what to say. I only nodded my head and smiled at him to tell him to release me from his warm arms. I stood up and say "I'll go and get ready. You two should just enjoy your breakfast without me" to Jason when he frowns and says "No, we're a family now! Enjoying breakfast, together is a must!". I smiled again and said "Sure. Give me 10 minutes". Jason nodded and left the room.

        As soon as Jason closed my bedroom's door, I let myself breath lightly. I ask myself "Why? Why am I feeling like this? This feeling.. Is this... what they call, love?" I shook my head to deny the fact that I'm in love with my room mate, my brother's best friend and a guy who's more than a friend. I said to myself "I cannot fall in love Jason nor Jeremy! They're more like a friends to me, they're like my own brothers. Just imagine me, dating my beloved twin brothers, but that's the problem. They are my friends, but this problem is growing harder. Perhaps, I should've never let them lived with me in the first place.

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