chapter 4

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Chapter 4:

"Kelsey, come down here please!" My Mom yelled, probably from the bottom of the stairs. For a minute I thought I was in trouble, until I realized I hadn't done anything wrong. I was reading Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing for my english class and it had begun to bore me. I was happy for another distraction from my homework, anything that would give me a reason to put the book down.

"Coming!" I yelled as I hopped off my bed and ran downstairs, to my awaiting mother. "What is it?" She had a plain look on her face, like she was trying not to smile and I couldn't seem to figure out why she wanted to hide her expression.

"Someone's here for you dear." She said with a very monotone voice, it was weird to see, typically my mother was full of life and constantly gesturing. I looked around the room and saw no one. I thought she was losing her mind but when I peered around the corner someone jumped out at me.


"Ahh!" I almost jumped out of my skin, nearly scared to death, but one look at who it was I jumped up and hugged him. "Blake, you're home!" I shouted a little too loud but I was so excited to see my brother. In September he left for college, which was a state away and it had been months since I saw him. We also hadn't talked in awhile either. I understood though, he was busy.

"Yeah lil' munchkin!" I also missed that dreadful nickname. "I decided to come home for reading week and it also happens to be my birthday week so thought I'd surprise you." I almost forgot that his birthday was only two days away. Dammit, now I have to buy him a present.

"He'll be home for about a week." My mother added, suddenly I understood her blank expression. It was so I didn't find out the big secret. My mother was terrible at keeping secrets, I was surprised she lasted so long.

"Well I hate to be a party pooper but I have to go finish my book for school. I'll talk to you tomorrow bro, you need some sleep." He looked like he hadn't slept in weeks.

"Okay you go be your little nerd self I'll talk to mom for a bit." I hugged him one more time and walked back to me room.

I read about two more pages before I had enough, I needed another break. So I put on some music and laid down on my bed relaxing and singing along. Before I knew it I was dancing and singing my heart out, jumping up and down doing twists and turns. I was sure Mom and Blake could hear downstairs but I didn't care, I was enjoying myself.

Then I collapsed on my bed, all that dancing really wore me down. At least I knew I would get a good sleep. While I was laying there I heard a tapping sound coming from the window. The first time it happened I thought nothing of it, but then it happened again and again. I pulled myself out of bed and walked over to the window. Jacob's face was all I saw and I knew he was the one that caused the disturbance.

"What are you doing?" I whispered hoping that no one heard.

"Entertaining myself, how about you?" Of course he says something dumb. I rolled my eyes at him, emphasizing my annoyance.

"I was asking, what are you doing throwing pebbles at my window?" So stupid. I crossed my arms, tapping my foot impatiently.

"Oh that, I wanted to tell you that I love your dance moves." He smirked while I stood there shocked. Does he watch everything I do?

"Why do you watch me?!" I was getting annoyed by the minute and I think he could tell.

"Like I said, I was entertaining myself. It's fun to watch you." He was infuriating. Does he know how much he gets to me? I asked myself.

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