Konforma listened patiently and answered with visuals.

The wall-screens showed ten different camera views.

The commons.

Sky Gardens.


The main halls.

All of them: full of Bulwark hostages.

And dozens of Technoid troops patrolling the perimeter. Konforma, she looked at me with her serious face and said,

"Does this look like a joke to you?"

My spit tasted sour.

"What happened?"

"A Technoid commando had hijacked one of our Fireturtle APCs in the abandoned city and used it to infiltrate our hangar. They managed to bypass our security systems by using a superior's head to fool our metric scanners."

No rest for the restless.

I exchanged quick glances with my exhausted group. Ann-Lyze looked as if a wind blow would flip her over—she barely carried energy to comprehend my words. Only Naif's emotional state remained hidden, but even a soldier had to take a break.

"Looks like we're not finished yet."

Even though, body-wise, we were.

"Konforma, what's the Bulwark's status?"

"The cluster is on lockdown. 83% of the citizens are imprisoned in their cells, the rest is taken hostage or outside of the central cluster."

"Why don't you do anything?"

"I'm an AI. I can use the system but don't have any physical power."

My eyes scanned every camera footage. At least three dozen Technoids took control of the main floors and patrolled the entrances. Most citizens were locked in their cells or stashed in the commons hall.

Konforma was right.

The Bulwark was on lockdown.

"Where's Orden?"

"She and a handful of guards hide in the armory."

I nodded.

Soaked in the terrifying camera recordings and wiped my eyes. Four Technoid troopers used some kind of energy-based cutting device to burn through the armory's gate.

Sparks flew high.

Inside the armory, I noticed Orden, two guards and tech-kid Glitch. Taking cover and preparing for the infiltration.

"You're not going to play hero again, are you?" Ann-Lyze said.

"I don't want to."

I really didn't.

Every bone in my body wanted to lie down and sink into the ground. My mind wanted to shut off and vaporize in nirvana. But my heart, well, it bumped harder when I saw the people that mattered to me.

Camera: D023—Glitch in the armory.

Camera: E028—Ceedee and Hecto in the commons hall.

My eyes turned back to Ann-Lyze and Naif.

"We have been through hell and back, and I'm beyond asking for your help, but I'm going up there and fight these metal freaks."

They knew I would say that.

Ann-Lyze nodded, wiped the sweat and blood from her exhausted face.

"I'm not much of a soldier, but I'll help you. You led us here, you can lead us out of this situation."

Naif was last. All eyes focused on him. Despite the need, I didn't want to force anyone.

"You don't have to do this. There's no obligation."

He nodded.

"I admit, I have never met someone as remarkable as you."


"You escaped the most horrendous situations, won the most unlikely gunfights and guided us back to the Bulwark. Destiny has clearly chosen you for a greater purpose, and today just marks the beginning."

He paused, maybe for dramatic effect.

"I'd be honored to fight along your side."

I ignored the nonsensical destiny speak and welcomed him in. Truth was, I needed him more than anyone else in the team.

This was a soldier's task.

"It's a deal, then."

My focus returned to Konforma.

"Listen up. Show me the safest route to the armory. We free that floor, weaponize, get Orden, the guards and Glitch and then liberate the commons hall. Once we got enough soldiers on our side, we're taking back the cluster."

Fear and exhaustion took a triple-back seat.

Only the mission remained.

But one more question needed to be answered.

Machine God: A Post-Apocalyptic Thriller (Final Draft)Where stories live. Discover now