The battle

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As the turtles and Shredders forces battle for 6 hours soon The Shredder arrives he watches his former son Mikey who he couldn't make him his anymore as he is haunted by the big bag of Pampers in Mikey's old room that use to be Karai's old room the reason Shredder can't put a brain worm into Mikey is because he waisted his last one on Donnie. Shredder ordered Rahzar to kidnap Mikey while he is distracted which the mutated Ninja dog understood and when he along with his brothers were fighting Footbots Rahzer came and grabbed Mikey from behind which startled Mikey who tried to scream but Rahzer covered his mouth then ran into dark place then he knocked him unconscious then gave him to Shredder. Shredder then carried Mikey to his lair and later strapped him to a new device to began forcing him to be his son.

Tmnt: Mikey captured Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin