Justin's eye connected with Harry and he titled his head towards Niall and Liam. Harry understanding right away half nodded at Justin.

"Guys you too." Harry rolled his eyes when they shook there head. "I will be fine. Don't forget we have anger management issue at our table right now."

"Shit I totally forgot." Liam looked inside at their booth which was still empty as they had left it.

"Oh yeah." Niall to looked inside. "Do you think he will share his pizza?"

"He will if you didn't spill another coke on him." Harry smiled with a grimace on his face from the hold of Louis on him.

"Are you sure about this mate?" Liam asked and took of with Niall when harry gave a rescuing smile and a nodd.

"We will be watching. Don't feel like you are alone in this." Niall said following Liam inside.

Harry sighed at least there won't be any black eyes for today.

"Louis." Justin's voice was stern now that no one was there beside Harry. He stood next to the pair with his arms crossed on his chest. "Don't make me pull you off of him. You know I won't hesitate." The best friend said with a promising voice.

Harry face palmed mentally. He didn't wanted to see them fight now. He just got out of one problem and were thrown into another.

"You are not understanding Justin. He..."

"I am sure you have your own reasons. But this is not how we deal." Justin said.

"I don't see any other way. I just want to punch his face." Louis gave a little push on Harry who just stayed in place with that calm expression on his face and not doing anything to Louis in return. Which just made Louis more angrier that Harry was acting like all mighty in front of him.

Justin was grateful for Harry to not punch Louis right away when he could have done it rather easily. "Don't do it here than." He said not caring if he sounded psychotic to Harry. "We will have audience soon. The coach will here about it tomorrow and I don't want any of my team mates on bench for the game. I hate your sulking ass on bench." Louis had still his hold on Harry. "You will have your chance Lou. Maybe on the ground, in the game. But this is not the right time."

"God I hate when you are right." Louis said his hold getting loose on Harry, not killing him anymore.

"That's the spirit." Harry smiled feeling less suffocated.

"Stop smiling. I want to punch it off and see only blood coughing out of your mouth." At that Harry's smile flattened.

"It's a good progress." Justin patted Louis on his shoulder. Harry looked at him very confused as to what was there in Louis that had turned down in any form. "At least he's not threatening to kill you anymore."

"I am flattered." Harry said truly.

"Are you mocking my friend." And Louis was back. However this time his hands were curled around Harry's shirt collar, very near to the curly boy's neck. Harry visually gulped.

"This is getting out of hand." Justin muttered.

"Louis will you just hear me out for once..."

"We can't find him." Harry groaned when he was cut off again for the thousandth time that night. He turned his head as much as he could from the position Louis had groped him in.

"What do you mean Niall?" Harry asked.

"That fucking raven head is not inside. We checked everywhere. Oh my god and the worst part is..." Niall looked scared.

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