My Role in This

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It had been a long time since I've seen anything interesting.

About 6 weeks have passed, without a soul about the area.

I waited patiently, counting the number of times the dial in my hand ticks and clocks. The dark dungeon didn't make reading the dial any easier, but for now, it was my precious tool to tell time, if not my only tool.

It was understandable why there are no explorers up this far with me. Perhaps they have all died. Perhaps they needed to attain stronger, better equipment. Perhaps... Perhaps they were too shaken up by the concept of dying to this behemoth. So I can do nothing but silently wait here, for more explorers to challenge the knight.

This pile of bones and rotting flesh that lay next to me... Belongs to a monster.

Specifically, it belongs to a monster that had been found in the dungeon early on - The «Boar». It was often seen running about in the first levels of the dungeon, charging down unsuspecting, new explorers with an unprecedented straightforward attack. Though it was rather threatening for newcomers, it was a simple task for someone trained and prepared to side-step the beast and cut it down from the rear.

Of course, that would be much easier on the previous floors - The comparatively more cramped, limited corridors up this high in the dungeon makes the boar's attacks pretty tough to avoid.

Just because it's a monster found early on in the dungeon, doesn't mean that it will stay easy. Its potential to kill me in a couple of charges and tramples doesn't dull, and every battle with it is equally dangerous if I don't exercise caution. I battle this boar every day, during the «Life Reset», where the unholy chambers that hold a «Necromantic Orb» on every floor activates and resurrects all the slain monsters. It may seem foolish to carry the remains of this «Boar» with me, then - But there's a very important reason why I had to.

It's my only source of food.

For the entire time I've been up here, I have only this «Boar» as my food for my daily meal. Every midnight, I slay it, and every time, I brew it in this leftover pot I carried with me from two floors below, to this spot. And I drink from this pork stew every single day.

All to allow me to camp properly before this metal door. A normal person might ask, "Why would you come all the way up here, at the 25th floor, just to set up a camp? Are you mental?"

... Well, don't ask. It's my job. It's my role in this - I am a «Support».

I am the external 6th fighter in the teams that challenge the Hatores Knight. Where it would normally be impossible to battle as a party of 6 due to the 5-man restriction the guilds impose, my presence here as an individual shrugs me off of this rule.

This dungeon is strange - But admittedly well-designed. From many experiments we have had thus far, having 5 people in a party allows for the maximization of space without any fear of space constrictions. If there were more people, the space allowed would become too narrow for us, and some of the members in a party may get hurt. At least, from as far as I've seen, the design and layout has been consistent in this limitation.

... But what surprises me is how the space given to us gradually seems to cave in and become narrower and narrower, but it never really affects how the adventurers here avoid or block the oncoming attacks. Almost as if... As if every floor we climb, we get more and more accustomed to the limits this tower sets for us.

But failing to dodge because of the constantly increasing restriction in dodging space is the least of my concern. What worries me more are the dreams I've been having.

... This tower supposedly stretches all the way up to the 100th floor. I've had dreams where the corridor becomes narrower and narrower, until only one person may walk the halls. I also had visions, of enemies that may snatch important items like healing salves, or food away from us. I only fear, that the solid system we have established right here, may prove useless and obsolete for what was to come after.

I mean, for me, that's not a problem at all - I've gotten accustomed to moving independently, but for the other adventurers whom rely on teamplay more than I do... It may prove troublesome for them.

No point in wondering now, I guess, but it is inevitable. I'd have to worry about it when it comes.

... It's almost that day again.

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