I'm a Yandere?

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Yandere Dark PitxReader

1st thing's 1st. Pic ain't mine. A friend sent me the link and I thought it would fit with the Yandere chapter. 2nd, We're outta October and getting close to Sun and Moon. How to celeberate? A Yandere chapter! Yeah, I'm going there. WARNING!!! This is a YANDERE chapter. There WILL be blood and death. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Dark Pit's POV

I walked into the kitchen and turned to the knife cabinet. I kept staring at the sharp blade for no apparent reason. It was like it didn't belong there. Like... It belonged in my hand. It all started when (y/n) got a boyfriend. (y/n) was too perfect for him. He didn't deserve her. Hos name was (boyfriend's name). I looked at the knife again. This time I saw red stains on it. A grab it and make breakfast like normal. It's been a year, and I still look at the knife like it should be in my hand and the blade should be stained red. "D-Dark! Dark P-Pit!!! Open up!!" I leave everything like it is and run to the front door. For once, the outside world is dark and gloomy on an early morning. I open the door to find (y/n) hurt and drenched from the rain. "What happened to you?" I swear I'll make them pay. (y/n) fell into my arms while sobbing. "I-It's (b/n). H-He... I-I don't g-get it..." I started calming her down and making sure she wasn't hurt too badly. Once I was done, I grabbed the knife and went to the door. "W-Wait! W-Where a-are you g-going, Dark?" I knew I had to hide the murderous grin I had and I turned to answer (y/n). "I'm going out for a bit. Pit will be here soon. He'll take care of you until I get back." and without a second, thought I opened the door and got ready to kick (b/n)'s ass.

🔪🔪🔪🔪Skip to when Dark Pit reaches the guy🔪🔪🔪🔪

I open the door to (y/n)'s apartment home with the knife and walk up to the drunk asshole (y/n) used to call her 'boyfriend'. He seemed to forget I exist. "T-The hell are *hic* you? An edgy bird kid?" I swear I didn't want to, but I found it so funny I started grinning. "Heh..." "The fuck is wrong with you?! Do I have *hic* to do the same to you as *hic* that bitch?!" Oh, that's it. I pulled out the knife and the guy seemed very scared. "That 'bitch' you're talking about happens to be your now ex-girlfriend and MY best friend." The guy seems genuinely scared. Heh... I love the look on his face. "H-Hey *hic* m-man, w-we c-can *hic* talk a-about this!" I started laughing. This guy is hilarious! "Talk? Pfffffft! There's no 'talk' here. There's only you suffering!" Without another word, I started cutting him open while he screamed and yelled at me to stop.


I cleaned up the place and got rid of what was left of (b/n)'s body in the incinerator behind (y/n)'s apartment inside a trash bag. Well... That was easy. I grab all of (y/n)'s things I can take and make sure I'm not covered in blood to head back. As soon as I open my front door, Pit runs to help me with (y/n)'s stuff. "Please tell me you didn't snap, Pittoo." "*sigh* Don't call me that and yes, I snapped. Why do you ask?" Pit seemed to be uncomfortable with the question. "Uh... Lady Palutena and Viridi thought you might be a yandere." I stopped to think. Oh, shit. "Well... They're right." Pit changed the subject. (666 words) "(y/n) is asleep in your room, by the way. She passed out on the couch, so I took her to your room." I smiled. "Thanks. You're safe, if that means anything to you." I left Pit downstairs in shock and went to check on (y/n). "No one will ever hurt you again."

3rd person POV

You and Dark Pit soon became a couple. About a year later, you got married and had two kids. Soon you realized that people who had tried to hurt you or your kids disappeared from the face of the earth. You never suspected your husband was the yandere who caused that.

Sorry it took forever. I'll try to have anither chapter out by today. Welp! Stay awesomer than Prussia and Hasta la pasta!!

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