~Chapter 20.

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"That was sweet what you said about Kyungsoo on Radio Star Yoonie Unnie!" Arya said smiling.

"Yeah I'm just glad your happy about sharing your relationship in public" Kimmy said smiling.

"Thanks that means a lot guys." Yoonie said hugging her members.

"So where's Shay?" Taeye asked tired from her IJWD recording. She won her first trophy today.

"She's out with Lay Im pretty sure." Kimmy said.

"Speaking of which so you and Ravi?" Arya asked making eyes at her leader.

"I don't know I guess we're dating?" Kimmy said slightly smiling.

"YAS I KNEW IT WOULD WORK!!" Arya and Yoonie said jumping around.

"I swear I hate you guys! But I'm glad you introduced us because he's very sweet."

Shay came in huffing and puffing in the dorm room. "What happened your all sweaty and out of breath!" Taeye asked worried.

"Me and Lay were out and we saw a camera flash! Our relationship might be revealed." Shay said.

"oh great more crazy EXO fans!" Yoonie said sighing.

"Look we already deal with a lot more hate okay but we'll be fine, I'm sure SM will handle it okay!" Arya gave Shay a hug.

"In other news Bella might be dating Zico's brother Taewoon or something." Taeye said.

"Wait oh my god what?" Kimmy asked surprised looking at the younger member.

"Yeah they were seen out together and Cube confirmed it" Taeye said. "Well I guess congrats to her! I'm gonna get in the shower tell me it allkpop or Soompi releases something" Shay said as she left to go to her room.

Well so much is happening Flower Power is being release, ShaLay might be exposed , Bella is dating Taewoon!!

unity|| gg.af (completed) #Wattys2017Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon