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The girls arrived at Tokyo with a warm welcome. At least somewhat...after the whole issue with Bella leaving they've been trying to be kept under the radar from the public eye.

Some fans were angry so angry that they left the fandom completely. The girls were sad and it seemed Yoonie took Bella leaving as the most hardest thing ever. I mean how could you blame her she was the closes to Bella after all.

The other girls had other mixed feelings. Taeye was sad at time but she tried to keep a smile. Shay was heartbroken she never wanted Bella to leave. Kimmy was trying so hard not to show emotion but sometimes she couldn't keep it in. And Arya was kind hard to read she's barely showed any emotion only behind close doors.

5 hours later*

The concert was soon to be starting and the girls were excited especially Kimmy she's was finally home after 18 years! She would see her family in the crowd she made sure they had great seats and weren't bothered by any fans.

The concert was about to start the opening VR was playing and the girls were at the lifting stage.

"Okay girls this our first concert and let's make it our best!" Kimmy said.

"Okay I love you girls! Stay safe and have fun!!" Shay said they all got into position.

Mr Mr started.

It's show time!

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