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It took Spencer less than two minutes to realise how wrong he’d been and how right she was. 

Iss had asked for every bit of detail about Maeve during their long conversations but aside from the information she’d volunteered, he’d not asked anything about Adam. 

Yet he was the one calling her a hypocrite and liar. Fucking dickhead. 

Why should it matter to him that she’d been married? Why should it matter to him that she’d been pregnant. Those were Isolde’s issues and she’d just made it clear that it didn’t matter to her. 


By the time he’d pulled his shoes back on and grabbed his bag, her car was gone. 

He tried to call her, getting voicemail. “Iss, I’m so sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking saying those things. You’re 100 percent right and I’m wrong. Please call me back.”

He walked around the back of his apartment block to where he kept his seldom used car, praying that it would start. It did, and luckily it still had close to a full tank of gas. 

He drove round to The Notes Of The Wind, not seeing her car. Dashing inside he asked Ally if she’d returned, her shaking her head at him. 

Getting back in his car, he tried calling her again, surprised when she answered. 

“What Spencer?” her voice weary. It sounded like she was on speaker phone and he deduced that she must still be driving. 

“Iss, I’m so sorry. You’re right. Please forgive me.”

“Why should I? You called me a liar. And a hypocrite. I’m not sure which is worse.”

“You’re neither of those. I was wrong, so wrong. If I hadn’t been so selfish and self absorbed and actually bothered to ask you about him then I wouldn’t be in this mess.”

“Yep. Spencer it’s not that I wanted you to ask about him. I’d have told you anything you wanted to know. But you can’t blow up at me when you hear something you didn’t know because you didn’t ask.”

“I know, I know. Isolde, where are you? I’ll come to you.”

“I’ll tell you what. Figure out where I’m going and meet me there.” She hung up after that. 

Figure it out? Where had they been together that she’d need a car to get to? 

The hilltop. Where they’d sat and looked at the stars. Where they’d shared their first kiss. It was still afternoon but she’d said she used to go there all the time as a teenage. That was her special place. 

He started his car, certain he could remember the way. 

Iss was angry and upset with Spencer. But annoyingly she could see why he’d react to the information. 

But if he’d only bothered to ask about Adam then she would have told him. But he hadn’t.

That didn’t upset her in itself. She didn’t necessarily want to have had an in depth conversation with Spencer about Adam. But he couldn’t then get angry when he found out new information. 

He’d called her a few minutes after she’d left, her letting it ring through to voicemail. When he called again, Iss picked up, telling him to figure out where she was going. 

If he did, she’d talk to him. 

Isolde arrived at the hill, parking her car and walking up through the trees with a blanket in hand. 

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