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In the next six weeks Isolde saw Spencer seven more times. He’d not contact her for days on end and then suddenly he’d appear one night when she was working, or he’d text asking if they could meet. 

She always agreed, she was starting to enjoy his company as well as feeling like she were doing some good in the world. He told Issy more about himself and she learnt that he was ridiculously intelligent, being classified as an actual genius. He told her about growing up in Vegas and his schizophrenic mother, confessing afterward that he rarely told anyone about her as he was ashamed that he’d not been able to look after her himself. 

If he came to the bar he’d sit waiting patiently for Iss’s shift to end, making conversation with Ally or Jake whenever he was on shift. Sometimes Spencer would only stay for an hour or two other times they’d end up back in Isolde’s apartment, until the early hours of the morning just watching TV and chatting until her flatmates disappeared off to bed, sometimes to their separate bedrooms, sometimes to each others. 

Iss knew about their mutual agreement. Friends with benefits, and it didn’t bother her normally. Tonight though, they were being loud. And she could feel the man next to her on the couch shifting uncomfortably. 

It was two am and Spencer had told her he wasn’t at work the next day, and she didn’t have to be in until the evening. It was Ally’s turn to open up. She grabbed her bag, pulling her shoes on. 

“Come on. we’re going out.”

“It’s two in the morning Iss.” He looked confused. 

“Yep, sun rises at about 5am this time of the year, we’ve got plenty of time.“

Rummaging about in the fridge Isolde pulled out a couple of bottles of water and some energy drinks, throwing them into a carrier along with two blankets. Spencer still looked apprehensive. 

“Spence, you already said you wanted to try the next stage of therapy. It’s not gonna happen whilst those two are at it in the next room. Come on." 

He followed her reluctantly out of the door, Iss leading him to her car and getting in. 

Although they’d spent a lot of time together, they hadn’t actually managed to progress any further with his exposure therapy, due to Ally and Jake being around. The most they’d managed was a few little hugs and hand holds, and a few touches here and there. Spencer was getting much better though, not flinching when Ally had gone to hug him goodbye one night, or when Jake had punched him lightly on the arm after a joke. 

Part of Iss wondered through whether it was because it was a new group of people. He’d opened up to her more than he had to his friends and colleagues, and when she questioned whether he’d been able to make the effort with them, he’d shook his head saying it still felt weird and that he still couldn’t bring himself to.

Issy made him promise that he’d try, just go out with them for half an hour one night. Give JJ or Penelope a hug or a pat on the shoulder, just give them something. She knew the whole teams names now, after listening to him ramble on about them so much. 

Pulling out onto the road, she drove the cat north heading down the same route she’d use to get to her Aunt’s house. 

"Where are we going?” Spencer turned in his seat.

“A place I used to go when I was younger. It’s beautiful, we’ll be able to see the stars clearly and then watch the sun come up. And we can try the next part of your therapy whilst we’re there.”

“Which is?”

Iss hesitated before answering. “Depending on which way you wanna take this, it would be either lying down with each other and hugging…… Or a kiss.”

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