Chapter 11

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For a few days of travelling through the forest, it was a huge relief for me when I saw the Capital's gate. I wanted to jump and holler all night just to celebrate but I held myself. I don't want to capture attention to me.

I thought that the Capital's entrance are just like any cities I've been to but it was more strict. Guards were stationed in every corner and before people can enter, they have to be checked first. Two lines of people were in front of the gate, one is for merchants with carriages and wagons full of products while the other is for people who are travelling without caravans.

I observed them first, some were able to enter without any hitch. They check you first if you're a wanted criminal. If you are, then you'll be put to jail. They also check your things, if anything suspicious is found, you'll be denied entry.

'What am I going to do?' I spoke in my mind.

'Go with them. Join the line.' I was so shocked when someone replied. I looked around if someone among these people were doing this to me.

'Don't freak out. Just do what I tell you to." The voice said.

'Who are you?' I asked. The voice seemed familiar but I can't recall who's voice it belongs to.

'I can't believe my master doesn't even know the voice of his own contracted beast.' It said with a dissapointed tone.

'Finn? How are you able to do this?' I said.

'Well darling, if you've given time to get to know your own beasts, you would have known that I have this ability. But enough with that, just do what I tell you. Go with the line.' He replied.

I sighed. I stood at the back of the last person. 'Now what?' I said to which he replied, 'Now we wait.'

As the time passed by, I was also getting nearer to the entrance. I can hear the voices of the guards. I was so nervous that the pounding of my heart seemed to overcome all the other voices.

'Are you sure about this? They'll know for sure. Once they took off my hood, I'm doomed.' I thought.

'No they won't. This would consume a lot of my magic power so when things go down, you won't be able to have my help.' He replied.

I was so nervous that I didn't notice that it was my time to be searched.

"Take off your hood." He said. I stood still. I didn't do anything. "Hey, take off your hood."

He grabbed my hood from the back of my head and pulled it down. I released a gasp and covered my ears immediately. I know it was futile, I was step too late when covering my ears. I was closing my eyes preparing to be captured but no hands came, all I hear was a whistle.

I opened my eyes and the once angry guard was smirking, "Hey, you don't have to hide yourself. Nobody's going to do anything to you here." He motioned for me to go on, so I did. I can't believe it. How can't they see my elven ears?

I was confused. 'I just used a minor illusion spell. It took a lot of effort but I did it. Now, all you have to do is enter safely. Hope they don't have any special mechanisms on finding out true identities of a person.' Finn explained. I just nodded and proceed to enter.

Among the guards who was stationed on the gates, there was an exception. A woman sitting on a chair with a table. On the table is a crystal ball. She looked like a fortune-teller with her clothes and the mysterious aura she is emitting.

Since nobody didn't give her any thought when they entered, I also didn't give her any mind and just passed by. I entered the gate.

It was bustling with people. Everybody was busy, booths of different products were on the side of the street. Everything was in here; clothes shop, inns, and etc. It was so amazing. Most of the people here were wealthy and no beggars can be seen on the street. Guards were also everywhere.

I wore my hood again and prepared to set off but then a scream stopped me from my tracks.

I looked over to sound of screaming and I found out it was the woman on the entrance. She was pointing at me with this wild look on his face, "Elf! An elf has entered the Capital!"

The people all looked at me, the guards started to surround me, "Take off your hood again and show your true self." Said a guard.

I don't have a choice so I lowered my hood and showed my true form. All the people gasped then went away. Some were covering their children as if protecting them from harm, from me. I want to shout to them that I am not dangerous, we are not dangerous but I know it would only frighten them more.

"What business do you have here, elf?" The way he said the word 'elf' was full of disdain. It was filled with disgust. I want to shout, 'What did we do to deserve this kind of treatment?' but it still would be useless.

"Nothing. I came here just for nothing." I replied.

"Then I guess we'll have to question you again. In the prison! Capture 'it'!" He commanded.

Ethan came out from the summoning book then slapped his hand on the ground. It began to shake then break. Came out roots of different thickness with spikes. This spikes were oozing some kind of greenish liquid that I believe, poison. The guards were hesitating if they'll capture me or not.

"Call the Commander!" A guard said.

This guards are normal people. They don't have special abilities and would need help in order for them to capture me. This person they call Commander should be a person with an ability so we have to get out of here before we got captured. I was about to inform Ethan but he already know what I'm thinking. He slapped the ground again and instead of roots growing, it was trees this time. Big trees surrounded us covering us from the guards. Gabriel appeared on his true form. He put his arm at the curve below my butt and the other on my back then we flew.

I was startled when a bell sounded. It rang a few times then it announced, "An elf has entered the Capital. I repeat, an elf has entered the Capital. Curfew will start this evening until the elf is captured. Please be cautious and don't talk to strangers. The elf has the ability to appear human. We are doing our best to capture this elf as soon as possible."

I'm now starting to regret coming here.

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