Why i hate Bella Swan!

Start from the beginning

Bella stares into Edwards eyes so often it becomes annoying.

It annoys me that she is 'so plain' yet she's so special and pretty. She is so pretty that she attracts many boys at Forks High school, she attracted many boys, not just Edward. She is so special that she can block vampire powers that affects the mind.

According to Twilightsaga.wiki  this is the reason why Bella is immune to vampire powers:  She prefers to keep her thoughts and feelings to herself and hates when someone tries to understand her, which is thought to be why Edward is unable to hear her thoughts. Translation: Bella is a private person. Being a private person is not an excuse for being immune and it doesn't make sense at all. So if i am a private person like Bella i'll be immune as well? It's a stupid excuse... but Smeyer explained it poorly and i don't think she ever will it explain it. (actually it's never really explained, it's just a theory).

What if Edward could read her thoughts?:
He only reason why he started to like her was because he was unable to read her thoughts. But what if he could read her thoughts? Then Bella would be put in the same category as everybody else Edward have ever met. There would be nothing special about her. Absolutely nothing. Then Bella would be one of the many girls that are in love with Edward Cullen. But we can't have Edward to read her thoughts can we? Of course not. Bella swan is the main character then she needs to be (a speshul) special.
Then Edward would never have fallen in love with (speshul) Bella swan. Because she would be head over heels with Edward just like every other girl in school.

Bella's and Smeyer's appearance similarities:

Bella Swan and Stephanie Meyer looks like each other

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Bella Swan and Stephanie Meyer looks like each other... But Bella is just Smeyer's self insert. According to TwilightSaga.Wiki are: Bella is described as having a very pale complexion with long, straight, dark brown hair, a widow's peak, unique chocolate brown eyes and a heart-shaped face with a wide forehead. Her eyes are large and widely spaced. Her nose is thin and her cheekbones are prominent. Her lips are a bit too full for her slim jawline. Her eyebrows are darker than her hair and are straighter than they are arched. And she also have perfectly clear skin, no pimples, blackheads, scars and something like that.

If you compare Smeyer to Bella (her own insert self) you see how much they actually looks like each other... They may even be twins... who knows.

#Another persons opinion:

Bella swan isn't selfless, brave, tomboyish, that stubborn, nor mature at all. She's the opposite of them all. If Bella was selfless, she would've not been a rude loner who ignored her friends and family. And Bella brave? She's just a dumb prissy damsel in distress, that isn't the same as brave. And how's she tomboyish in any way? She's more of a girly girl if anything. Seriously, a boy crazy priss a tomboy? And Bella stubborn? She has no opinion of her own, just submits to other views like doing nothing about Edward's control over her. And last but not least, mature? Do mature people walk into dangerous alleys, want to become vampires without thinking, try to get attention from their boyfriend by doing stupid things? Yeah right.

Bella's overpowered meyerpower:

When Bella was turned into a vampire she got the most powerful power in the whole vampire world. Her shield was so strong as a human it became her meyerpower when she was turned. Bella has these following abilities:

1. Graceful and elegant, even for a vampire. (so if i am clumsy i'll be graceful and elegant?)

2. Mega shield that blocks mental attacks.

3. Detects small changes in Renesmee's appearance.

4. Strong control over her blood-lust even though she is a newborn. (It's very unusual for a newborn vampire. Even poor Jasper put himself down.)

5. Learned her ability faster than what is thought to be normal. (she learned her ability in a few months).
(-It can actually take several decades for a vampire to learn the ability that they have and fully master it. Maybe it even takes a few years for them to discover it).

She is WAY overpowered. And it is because she is the main character, so she has to be overpowered. Even Aro said that she will be or is the most powerfull vampire in the world.

Flaws: As far as we know Bella have no flaws whatsoever other than being insecure. She is clumsy, but only to make her more cute character. If your character is clumsy and it is described as being cute it's not a flaw. She is said to be tripping over everything in sight, but do she ever do that? No she actually doesn't.

I'm just sayin', being clumsy is not a perosnality. Neither is being a bad liar.

A personality is 'a person as an embodiment of a collection of qualities'

Other than the fact that she's insecure, I can't find any flaws with her.

Having negative views on marriage is not a flaw. Neither is not liking spending a lot of money.

Personality and talents: When it comes to humans there has to be at least one thing we are good at. According to twilightsaga.wikia = 'Because she lacks any skill in anything noticeable as a human, she mostly prefers to spend her free time reading, especially classics, and listening to music.'  This just proves that Bella is talentless. There is nothing she's good at. She could at least have been making her good at drawing, playing an instrument or something else.

Boys who are crushing on Bella: Many boys are crushing Bella in Forks high school. Not just Mike and Eric, but several other boys, Tyler (the one who tried to crush Bella with his van) also fell for Bella after the accident.
I personally don't think it's normal to be new in school and then have 100+ boys that fall in love with the new person.
And i midnight sun on page 238, Edward said to Bella, "But you didn't hear what every human male was thinking on your first day." Nah... they were all probably in love with her on the first day she started in school.

Popularity on the first day of school: Bella got popular on the first day she attended Forks High school. And that. That is not normal. It may be a little town where "everyone knows each other", but it's not normal to have so many friends on the first day of school. Smeyer said "It's because she is new". I have had MANY new students attending my class since 1th grade and also MANY who have moved school. There are over 7+ students that have moved school and over 10+ new students... and do you know what? Not a single one of them was popular on the first day of school... It took time for them to get so popular they are now.

Bella's good grades: Bella is described to be rather intelligent and having good grades. But we never really see Bella doing good in her studies and school.

Bella's maturity: Bella is described as being Mature, but she is actually not. A mature person don't approach strangers and then ride on a motorcycle with a stranger. Bella could have gotten herself and (poor) Jessica killed.  Those strangers could be rapists, dangerous gang members, drug dealers or something else dangerous.

- Afterwards she was like "Why is Jessica ignoring me, i didn't do anything wrong". And all the readers knows the reason why Jessica was angry while Bella doesn't.

Bella's blood toleration: As we know Bella faint or feel when she sees blood. But it was actually just one of Smeyer's plot devices. 

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