Start from the beginning

He turned around and looked at me with those capitalizing eyes. I walked over to me and put his arm around me but this time I didn't push it away. "What's wrong Mikayla, you have a weird look on your face."

I couldn't resist, I grabbed his face and kissed him. Once I realized what I was doing I let go and shyly walked away, "I'm so sorry Brady."

He lightly caught my arm and spun me around to face him then he asked, "You like me?"

I tried to hid it but I knew my eyes and blushing was giving it away. He stroked my cheek with his hand and lightly pulled me into a kiss.

My hormones kicked in and I found myself with my arms around his neck, passionately kissing him. We walked over to the couch as we kissed, then he lightly pushed me onto the couch. He got on top of me and we continued kissing. I put my hands under his shirt and pulled his shirt off him. I was stunned at his body, he had abs!

Brady pulled a blanket over us and pulled off my shirt...

I woke an hour or two later. I had my arms tightly wrapped around Brady with him hugging me as he slept. He began to open his eyes, he looked at me and smiled.

All of a sudden the door burst open and standing in the doorway was my dad Mason and the guards! Brady and I jerked up, I held tightly onto the blanket. My dad was furious! "Brady!" He growled.

Brady would have run away but since he didn't have any clothes on, he just sat beside me shaking in fear.

My dad slowly stomped toward us, when all of a sudden Boomer appeared and exclaimed, "What's all the noise down here?" He looked over at us and smiled, then he looked over at my dad and ran away.

"Daddy! please don't do anything!" I begged.

My dad gripped tightly onto his machete as he walked closer to Brady. Once he was standing right in front of Brady, he barked, "How could you!"

"Mason, I'm so sorry but we love each other," Brady replied.

"Okay, because you love each other I will give you a ten second head start," my dad stated fiercely.

"Daddy please doesn't hurt Brady," I begged again but he just ignored me.

"ONE!" my dad exclaimed.

Brady quickly grabbed his clothes off the ground and pulled them on. Then he got up and sprinted away screaming.

"Please don't do this," I begged one more time.

"Mikayla, you are my little girl and I'm going to protect you," my dad stated and then he ran off after Brady.

I stayed close behind my dad as he ran into the dark Kinkow forest. My dad turned around but as he did, I ducked into the bushes. My dad couldn't know I was here, he was mad enough as is.

I searched my surroundings to see a figure huddled up behind a nearby tree. I carefully walked over to the tree making as little noise as possible.

"Brady?" I asked.

His head came out from behind his knees as he unrolled himself from the fetal position. He smiled at me as I knelt down beside him.

"What are you doing here?" he questioned.

"Brady we need to leave before my dad finds you and skins you alive," I insisted.

"You're kidding right?"

"No, now come on," I replied as I grabbed onto his arm and pulled him onto his feet.

He interlocked his fingers with mine as I lead him out of the forest.

PLS DONT READ THIS IT ONLY FOR ME THANK YOU Where stories live. Discover now