"He seems like a nice guy." I said sarcastically

"Yeah right, I'll be back in a few mintues. Don't go anywhere okay?" He requested kissing me quickly before walking to the door

"Why can't I meet your dad?" I asked but he didn't reply just looked down

"August." I said stopping him from leaving, he turned to me with a worried expression
  on his face "--I love you."

"I love you too, baby girl. No matter what."

; August West

"Hey Dad."

Dad just glared at me, pointing to the seat infront of his desk. I slowly sat down in the chair watching as he tightened his fist,

"You know the rule. The only thing I asked you to not do: you can do anything you want in life, but don't date that nigger--"

"Don't you dare call Shiloh that." I growled flashing out of my seat slamming my hands onto the desk, creating cracks into
the dark wood.

I could feel my eyes turning black,

I could feel my eyes turning black,

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"That's what she is. That's all she is and will ever be." He spat clenching his teeth, squinting his eyes at me. I'm resisting the urge to kill him right now.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Why can't you just let me be happy? She's my mate: the person who's suppose to love me--"

He sat up from his chair, "how the hell do you know what love is?! You don't
know shit August!"

"I do--my mother loved me but you killed her." I replied back making him lunge at me but I stepped to the side making him land in a heap

"Don't ever talk about your mother."

"Why? I thought you didn't give a fuck about her?" I hissed at my dad making
his fist tighten more.

"I did until she slept with that nigger."

He never told me that before. That just
made me angrier.

"Are you serious?! That's the stupid reason why you don't like black people?!"

"Yeah, they're nothing just dirty, stupid--" I cut him off my running up to him and punching him making him fly back and hit his head on the
wall before sliding down limply.

"You're so damn lucky you are my dad because if you weren't I would've killed your ass. Don't ever talk about my mate like that ever again, or I'll make sure your dead." I spat grabbing the collar of his shirt making him look me in the eyes.

"I'll never accept her!"

"I hope you rot in hell! Don't ever look, talk, or think about her, then I won't hesitate to kill you and I won't feel a hint of guiltiness!" I growled and watched as he just glared at me. I got up and walked to the door and slammed it behind me entering into the hallway of the second floor, leaning my head back against the door taking slow deep breaths trying to calm myself down;

"Is that why you didn't want me to leave your room? You could've just told me. You could've told me at the hospital: so you wouldn't have wasted my time."

I quickly looked to my right to see Shiloh, who had tears filling her coffee colored eyes. Her small hands folded shoved into her sweatshirt pocket: which I recognized was one of mine from my closet. Her hair was tied into a messy bun with a few curls falling out, framing her beautiful face.

She heard everything.

"Shiloh." I began walking towards her but she backed up slowly putting her hand up ,

She shook her head, "No, it's fine. I understand your father doesn't want me here and you obviously knew that:which I don't even know why you even wasted my time. I'll just go home and be out of your life."

Before she could turn around, I grabbed her arm pulling her back. She whipped her head to me with tears streaming rapidly down her face,

"What August! I want you to be happy! I know you will be happy without me. I knew I stupid to think we will ever have something together, your dad is right:
I am just nothing."

I grabbed her face gently wiping the tears from her cheek, "I'm only happy with you."

She shook her head trying to push me away but I didn't budge,"Fuck what my dad thinks, I think you are the most beautiful, smart, funny, sexy and outgoing person in the world. You are everything to me: I've only know you for almost 2 days but I know we will have a future together. I don't care if your white, blue, black, green:
I will love you no
matter what."

I finally saw her give a small smile and heard that beautiful giggle that I loved very much, "No matter what? You love me even though I stole your sweatshirt?"

"Of course, you stole my heart."

"And you stole mine."

; 1, 248 words

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