Episode 3: Alone Time

Start from the beginning

Dean nodded and we split up. 


After Dean and I had talked to the witnesses, we checked out the body. 

"So, Scar, there's the symbol. Sam says he almost has the code cracked. It's apparently not demonic. It's a symbol that means to come to life, which is wildly ironic seeming as she's dead."

"Well, maybe she has the symbol because someone wasn't planning on keeping her dead. Maybe it's a zombie thing."

Dean raised his eyebrows. "Yeah, no. Zombies are bitten. It's not a zombie, it's something else."

There's another thing that I know about Dean. He always feels the need to be right. He can't handle it if someone with less knowledge or experience beats him at something. That's something the both of us have in common.

"What'aya wanna bet that it is a zombie thing and you're wrong?"

He laughed loudly. "You think you can just come out of nowhere into this whole huntin' thing and be better at it than me? Yeah, sure. Let's bet on this. Loser has to go out to get dinner, winner gets to choose what the loser eats."

"You're on. Now let's wait for the zombie to wake up."

"There's no need to wait Scarlett because it's not a zombie."

"Fine, I'll pretend like I believe you. But I'm going to go get weapons from the car just in case. Watch over the dead body."


I opened the Impala's trunk and looked at our stash. I grabbed a dagger and a .45, and hid them in the waistband of my skirt.

As I was making my way towards the morgue, I heard loud yelling. So I ran to the door and there our little corpse was, trying to strangle Dean. Told him.

I burst through the door and grabbed the dagger. The corpse ran to me and I jammed it in its throat and cut off its head. I waited a moment just to make sure the zombie was actually dead now.

Although this was hardly the time for it, I couldn't help but wonder how a zombie could ever really be dead. I mean, a zombie is dead from the beginning of their zombie life. So, if you kill a zombie, they're still dead. Which makes them pretty much in the exact same condition they started in. But who the fuck knows what's even going on with zombies. They're wack.

Dean was on the ground, with what I was pretty sure was zombie juice on his chest. 

I helped him up with a smirk on my face.

He rolled his eyes. "Come on, say it. You know you want to."

"Oh, well all I was going to say is that I'd like a strawberry shake tonight. And you're gonna have a salad. Doesn't that sound delicious?"

"You're evil. Way too evil and good-looking for your own good."


While Dean and I were in the car, I got a text from Sam. It read: "I need you to go get something from the store for me."

"Dean, Sam wants us to go to the store to get him something."

"What does he want?"

"Apparently he wants fruit. An apple to be exact."

"Okay. Let's get food, go to the store, and get back to the motel. I'm exhausted."


We were finally back, and we opened the door to find Sam. Sam was fully naked, and, um, enjoying himself.

Dean's eyes shot open and he started laughing. 

I put my hand over my mouth so that I wouldn't be laughing along with Dean. I didn't want Sam to be any more embarrassed than necessary. 

Sam stood up abruptly and covered his massive erection with a pillow while Dean was still cracking up.

"So that's why you wanted us to go to the store?" I tried to keep my eyes above the belt, but it was difficult. 

My self-control dwindled and I took a peek. Oh my God. I mean, I could've guessed that Sam would be well-endowed, because at a height of 6'4", he's a total giant, but this was definitely outside of what I had imagined...

Sam's face was a shade of red I'd never seen before and he gave me the smile he always did when he was uncomfortable. Sam nodded. 

"I, uh, didn't expect you guys to be here so, uh, early."

After a couple seconds of awkward silence, Dean was finally done laughing. 

Sam looked around the room, trying to avoid making eye contact with the both of us. "I'm just going to, uh, get dressed." He turned around, remembered that he didn't have any clothes on, and used the pillow to cover his sweet ass while he walked to the bathroom. 

Dean and I looked at each other and burst into laughter. 

I'd say that this is a pretty good example of our friendship. 


Cas will be introduced in either the next episode or the episode after that! :)

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