Chapter 44 - $$$.

Start from the beginning

genetic testing - an assessment of any possible genetic disorders - as several genetic disorders may be inherited, such as sickle cell anemia (a serious blood disorder which primarily occurs in African-Americans) or Tay-Sachs disease (a nerve breakdown disorder marked by progressive mental and physical retardation which primarily occurs in individuals of Eastern European Jewish origin). Some genetic disorders can be detected by blood tests before pregnancy. 

personal medical history - an assessment of the woman's personal medical history to determine if there are any of the following: 

medical conditions that may require special care during pregnancy - such as epilepsy, diabetes, high blood pressure, anemia, and/or allergies 

previous surgeries 

past pregnancies 

vaccination status - an assessment of current vaccinations/inoculations to assess a woman's immunity to rubella (German measles), in particular, since contracting this disease during pregnancy can cause miscarriage or birth defects. If a woman is not immune, a vaccine may be given at least three months before conception to provide immunity. 

infection screening - to determine if a woman has a sexually transmitted infection or urinary tract infection (or other infection) that could be harmful to the fetus and to the mother.

So the first steps for Madilyn was to get all of these checkups at her local doctor tomorrow. Next, was:

Set Aside Money for Mom

The aforementioned bump is coming. That means your appetite's getting bigger and your clothes are getting smaller. It's inevitable.

Around here we budget for everything. Go ahead and adjust for higher grocery bills and maternity clothing. You can still be smart by shopping at discount stores or buying consignment and borrowing from friends. The evidence of your bundle is a blessing, so embrace it!

Begin to Buy for Baby

Admit it: You're itching to buy something for your baby. You might even be tempted to buy everything. That's just love manifesting itself through tiny onesies and little bitty shoes and oh-my-goodness-just buy it all! You have our permission.

And finally:

Pay with cash. If you can't buy it without swiping a credit card, don't. This doesn't make you a lousy parent-to-be. It means you're mature-an important quality for bringing up a baby. 

Cut out non-necessities. Do you really need the latest and greatest baby gadgetry? Or will timeless products and the basics suffice? Talk regularly about where things fall on the needs versus wants list before making a purchase. 

Talk to an experienced mom. First babies present so many options. Do you buy new or used items? Brand name or generic? Do you nurse or formula feed? Use cloth or disposable diapers? With some things you'll know the answer almost instinctively or be able to discover it through research. For everything else, ask a mom who's been through this before. Perspective and experience go a long way.

"Woah." Madilyn thought. "I never thought that all of this went into becoming a mom."

The last and most important rule, was to make sure that they were financially stable. One part said set aside 1/4 of your paycheck all the way up until the birth of the baby. Madilyn highlighted the pages, placed it in her bookbag, then prepared to share it with Kayson the next day.

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