That was a close one...

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For once Dreamz wasn't hanging around with countries or disguised provinces or anyone else that was apart of that crazy group. Instead she was hanging out with a much more closer and slightly less crazy person, and that person was of course John. They had a very interesting relationship with one another, the two of them so incredibly in tune with one another and in sync that to the outside world they would appear to be robots of sorts. Of course the robots would have to be dysfunctional because the both of them were exactly that. 

But luckily they were in a place where being dysfunctional was not a possibility and that was at Dreamz' home, the pair of them set in front of her TV displaying the game play of Overwatch- something they were currently playing right now. 

Dreamz was sitting on one of the couches, looking amused as she watched John play the game. 

"The sensitivity is so high." John commented as he controlled the hero he was playing as. 

"Yeah I know, you get used to it though." Was all Dreamz offered as she continued to look at the screen, a smile slowly spilling over her lips. "Uhh you're going the wrong way." She laughed. 

"I don't know what I'm doing!" All John said as he then allowed his character to walk around in circles, this evoking more laughter from Dreamz. "Where do I go?!" 

"You go to the pointer!" 


"Right there!" Dreamz pointed out as she continued to laugh, enjoying the show immensely. 

"Why are you coming for mee?!" The pale boy complained in a loud tone of voice as he then directed his hero over to where he was suppose to go. 

"I'm not coming for you!" 

"WHY IS EVERYONE COMING FOR ME?!" John then yelled frantically as he was then getting shot at, frantically pressing the buttons on the controller. "WHAT DO I DO?!" 




"AHHHHH" He cried dramatically as he was then killed on screen. Dreamz then proceeded to laugh more at what she had just witnessed. 

"You shouldn't have picked a sniper character for this map." Dreamz said as she shook her head. 

"Can I live?" 

"Well no because you literally just died." 

"Shut up." A moment of silence past between the two as the game play continued to unfold itself on the screen. After a little while John then finally spoke up once more. "Hey who was one of your friends?" 

"Are you talking about Jett?" Dreamz tried, instantly catching onto his vague question. 

"Who was he again?" 

"He was the surfer dude who's really loud and the most Australian, Australian you would ever meet." 

"Oh yeah him, you're not staying with him right now?" 

At that Dreamz shifted uncomfortably but didn't let her tone of voice dropped evidently wanting to continue in having this light atmosphere they have, "nah, not really." 

"How come?" 

"Shit happened." Was all Dreamz could say as she shrugged. "We're not really all that close as we were before so you know." 

"Awww." John said in a rather sad tone, catching Dreamz off guard. She then tore her eyes off the screen to look at his face seeing that he was focusing on the game ahead. 

What Do You Mean Countries Are People Too? (Hetalian Drabbles 2)Where stories live. Discover now