Chapter 8: The Leak

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     Then I grabbed some chairs for us to sit down in, and we sat and drank some herbal tea...that was when I began hearing things, I started hearing screams and clawing from the inside of the fireplace and wall! I knew that this my imagination so I ignored it for that time. We talked a bit until the noise came up again, and this time it was louder! But only I could hear it, everyone else just kept on talking! This noise was bugging me then, what if she were alive?! I believe that it was HER screaming and clawing! I couldn't let her escape! I could continue hearing the clawing of her fingernails against the grainy brick!

     I then yelled to the men in a hoarse tone,"DO YOU NOT HEAR THE SOUND OF EVIL ATTEMPTING TO POUND ITS WAY OUT?!"

     They all looked at me as if I were insane! Then I unsealed the fireplace to show them what was going to kill us, so that they would kill her before she killed me! Then she fell out of the fireplace all scratched up and covered in soot that exploded into a big puffy cloud of whiteness. I exclaimed,"THERE! THERE SHE IS! GET HER! TAKE HER AWAY! SHE IS GOING TO KILL US ALL!!!"

The Soot Of The Souls That LeakWhere stories live. Discover now