Chapter 1: The Locked Cage

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     It's dark in here, no light seeping in, no positive movements can be made, no one can jolt the light back into my life! This place is like unto my soul which I have locked away into the deepest parts of me, like a majestic bird yearning to be free from it's locked cage! You may believe or think that I'm going insane--for I know that I'm not! Why would you ever think that?! I have secrets kept inside of me and triumphs of great joy in those secrets for which my soul contains. I can't let them go, though, I did one night. That night where I did feel as though someone was taking my place--my place of lurking in the dark--and lurking in the depths of foreshadowing darkness where I envied another!

     You may be wondering what my life is like considering my feelings--my feelings of mixed emotions! When I tell you this story of my early life you have to promise me that you won't think that I'm mad!--or insane! For I am not! I am a normal human being that see's things in the way that you do! Now do not judge me wrongly, for I shall tell you of my secrets...I will warn you that once you enter my soul, it's like entering a mysterious door covered in the greenest vines, that leads you to another world into an enchanted forest. For my story shall begin...and you have now entered through the door and it's keepers of my soul! 

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