Chapter 6: The Night

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     Later that night, I awaited, as if I heard her dreaming! I had to make sure that she wasn't awake and wouldn't notice! I feel SO clever as to have come up with SUCH a plan! I made her a drink--I tricked her into drinking it! It was her pills to keep her from awaking! Then later that night, I awaited sitting in our bed staring into her eyelids to see if they would open--open like a window, to bring in fresh air and to see what behold a it's sight before them.

     I watched and waited...plenty of time passed! I was surprisingly becoming eager to get started! As each hour passed, I would change my position slightly in the bed to view her shut eyes in a different point of view to see if they were even a little sliver of a centimeter open! I found that after about 3 or 4 hours she was long asleep! This made me joyous! I couldn't wait for this coming moment!

     First, I began lifting her up and off of the bed, I carried her down the stairway--slowly and quietly like a cat being suspicious in the dark. I made not a sound down the stairs. Then I went around the corner in the hallway to the left and into the large and spacious living room! I accidentally tripped, purposefully tripped on the ground and dropped, set her down, while she fell she hit her head hard against the wooden flooring and didn't awake! softly and calmly on the ground, to where her head made not a sound! I was oh, so VERY quiet! Now this made my heart skip a beat, in excitement!

     Then I began the work--I began walking over to the rickety fireplace and I leaned over and went inside and began carving and pulling out the bricks one by one on the insides of the brick fireplace! i made sure that the bricks I was taking out would leave a big enough space for the body! Then hours later it was beginning to become daylight, so I hurried and grabbed the "sleeping," drugged body and I pulled her over to the fireplace and picked her up and lifted her up into the inside of the fireplace!

     This area I put her into stretched out into the backs of the walls in our living room, it was quite impressive! Then I sealed her into the wall and the right side of the inside of the fireplace and then sealed the entire fireplace in the inside to keep the body concealed! Then afterwards I was covered in soot and so I changed, took a shower and took the extra bricks and built a mini fireplace in the back yard!

     Then I took all of my wife's belongings and burned, and tossed them! I had to conceal and forget the fact that she lived! And so I did do so.

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