Chapter 3: The House

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     Then my wife and I went inside the house to look around--to see what was inside--there was one large and beautiful kitchen--that was large--and spacious--that had an old stove on one side of the room with a big sink, and there was also a bread oven on another side of the wall in the room that was brown bricked--as brown as dirt--that had some soot covering the inside--like when a candle lets off the black burn and covers whatever is above with a black substance like dust, clearly the oven had been used before, from the appearance. I went to go look at some other rooms, I found a room next to the kitchen, it was a pretty large room that we turned into the living room.The room had a fireplace that had a chimney going up, and a mantle of to the other side of the room, with an old mite home couch! Then as my wife finished looking in the kitchen, we both went upstairs to see what the other rooms were like, we found a BIG room with a bathroom connected, and we instantly decided that, that was going to be our master bedroom! It had just white carpeting and chipped orange paint that later on we painted brown.

     As the years went by like a clock--a clock that was running 3 minutes fast--my wife and I had lived the the house for about 7 years now! My wonderful wife has been surprisingly been using the cooking set I got her--that shiny set--that is now dirty--dirty with burn marks. I loved watching her use the set, she loved it and wouldn't cook without it! I especially loved the way that she would gracefully cut the vegetables or other foods with her knife--she would ALWAYS sharpen the knife before chopping the ingredients--she would sharpen it swiftly--swiftly like a bird that dives down to catch it's prey!

     The way that my wife cooked made her happy,and as I saw her happy, it made me happy! She would make the most wonderful meals! They were always good, and I would always ask to be her taste tester because no matter what it was good--even though some parts may have been burnt--I enjoyed it--no matter what! Plus, she always loved to find out what my facial reaction would turn out to be after trying her food.

     My wife was also adventurous, just like me! I loved going out into the woods and climbing trees, catching bugs and little creatures in the water or woods! All these adventures made me feel free! I adored that feeling that I had--it felt like a bird that was let out of the cage--that was able to be itself and fly away into the sky! But then that bird had to be caught--caught with the grasp of fear--and with the spacious hand of pain!

     The bird was caught with the grasp of despair, and that bird was like unto my soul that was then shoved into the shallow cage with rust--and shoved into the darkest and deepest part of the cage, and locked up, once again! I love watching my wife cook and bake, as I have included before, but this time, she seems to bring the knife everywhere with her when I am around her! She won't put it down when I talk to her in the kitchen when she's making food or dessert! Then I occasionally--occasionally see something--something shiny in a quick little, tiny glimpse of an eye! It was shiny to where you could see light bouncing off of it! I see it almost every night in bed! But occasionally I am able to see it! 

The Soot Of The Souls That LeakWhere stories live. Discover now