2 ; you called

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Incoming Call
A Disgrace to All Lois Lanes
3 : 43 pm

"You called?"

"You saved my number?"

"Cough cough cough. So, you called?"

"Um, saying the word 'cough' thrice is the most unbelievable attempt of fake coughing. I don't know but I think you need to go and consult your local pediatrician."

"Just a matter of fact, I'm not a kid. I think my virile voice implied it."

"Picky much? It's still a doctor and either way, you still need one."

"For poor Superboy's communicable cold?"

"Nah, for Superboy's stupidity. I might catch it and you don't want Lana Lang to be stupefied and all... right, Clark Kent?"

"That's so weird."


"Oh, nothing. Anyway, why did you call me?"

"I kinda felt bad."


"Because you are officially a jobless creep who fails to flirt with the use of DC Comics-related characters."

"I'm nothing of everything you just said! Have you ever apologized to anyone before? 'Cause I'm pretty sure that was not even an inch-close to an apology."

"Hey, you can't blame a girl for trying! And excuse me, what do you mean that you're nothing of everything I just said?"

"I'm not jobless, Lana or Lois or any female mortals that Superman got involved with."

"But you told me yesterday─"

"Yea, I know. I told you I was about to get fired yet it was a lie."

"Does this mean you weren't actually selling anything? Preferably food because I'm so hungry right now. Honestly, there's never a wondrous moment I didn't crave for something edible."


"What? Stop laughing! You haven't experienced being starving before? Yup, you sure are a robot planning to take over the world and using me to be your pawn to go through it."

"...you have one vivid imagination."

"I'll take that as a compliment rather than a subtle insult."

"It was a compliment."

"Then, thank you?"



"Buy our c-cookies."

"You sell cookies? That was your 'revolutionary device' that I'll be needing in my daily life?"

"I never thought it was an erroneous description but you did."

"Shut up and take my money! Take every fortune I have! I'll buy a dozen!"

"That would be sixty dollars."

"What the? Who the heck do you think is going to buy a five-dollar chocolate chip cookie? I'm not even sure if it's that delicious."

"They're for charity?"

"Ugh. I'm out."

Call Ended
3 : 56 pm

"Ugh. I hate my life."


(a/n) dedicated to @-Drezzy- <3


so... what's it going to be this time? Shark or Clirley?

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