Fun at the Hospital?..Is she okay?

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Naya's POV

Naya: *laughs* You guys are hilarious! Stop I can't breath!! Hahaha * laughs harder*

Man Chres and Ray are so funny ! We've been laughing and goofing off all day It's not even like I'm "helping" my mom work. It's more of me making new friends and I like it.

??: Hey Ray!

A tall light skin girl with red hair walked through the door. I can't lie she was really pretty. She had on high wrist jeans, the Bel Air 5's Shut Up sweater , and the Bel Air 5's. Her hair was in a high bun and she had on red lipstick. I looked at her smiling and she looked back at me evilly. I can't lie I really did feel intimidated that smile on my face quickly faded.

Ray's POV

Chres, Naya, and I were really getting to be close friends in the short period of time. We were laughing, talking, goofing off all that good stuff till Rose came.

Rose: Hey Ray!

Ray: heyy...

Rose: * pops gum* what? you ain't happy to see me?!

Ray: nah... nah...i am

Chresanto: * sighs and mumbles * I'm not ...

Rose: * rolls eyes and steps up to Chres* What was that ?

I quickly looked at Chresanto . I gave him the eye and shook my head telling him not to say anything.

Chresanto: * ignores her* I'm going to get something to eat... you guys want something?

Rose: nah I'm good I just ate.

Chresanto: I wasn't talking to you dumbass. Why would I offer you something if I don't like you. I was talking to Ray and Naya.

Rose: You little--- (GCO)

Naya: yes thank you... can you please get me a bag of hot Cheetos and a sprite I'll be just find with that.

Rose: did you just cut me off?

Naya opened her mouth to say something but before she could say anything I spoke up.

Ray: umm.. yea chres can you please get me a taco

Chresanto: *laughs* you and your tacos man. And okay got it! Hot Cheetos , sprite , Tacos. *leaves*

Rose: so who's this hoe? *points to Naya. * is she one of Chresantos ?

Naya: who you calling a hoe?

Rose: * laughs* you..your That Hoe Over There! your a filthy little hoe. I know you trying to push up on my man but * pops gum* no honey that shit ain't gone work. you see ray * points to him* he's mine and will forever be. understand that ?

Naya's POV

Man that rose girl was so close to getting a personally beat down. She doesn't know me like from I will kill her with my bear hands, literally! Inside of started any problems I think I'll just leave.

Naya: * smiles* I'm going to go now ray , just page me if you need anything ill come then. okay?

Ray: mhmm got it

I looked at him and smiled again he smiled back and mouthed " I'm sorry " I then mouthed back " it's okay"

Naya: alright, bye Ray remember if you need anything you know what to do. * leaves*

I walked quickly looking down. You have no idea how much I want to cry I tried my best to be strong back that but it was really killing me inside. I don't --- ( GCO)

Ahh shit! I bumped into someone and they dropped fried chicken on me. Just great.

Naya: * looks down * I-I'm so sorry

??: * laughs * it's all good.

Craig's POV

I was walking in the hospital to go check on Ray and tell him how Jay was doing w/ my box of fried chicken. while I was walking some girl bumped into me and dropped my chicken.. DAMN

???: * looks down* I-I'm sorry

Craig:* laughs * it's all good

I got up dusted off myself and helped shawty up

???: * takes Craig's hand* thanks

I looked at her for a while and shawty is fiyahh.

Craig: I'm Craig

???: nice to meet you I'm Naya * laughs* sorry bout your chicken

Craig: * chuckles* don't worry bout that lil mama.

Naya's POV

Man that Craig boy is real fine.

Naya: well I gotta go now, see you around I guess

Craig: * smiles* yea see you around ma.

I smiled back and then left I don't really know him that much but I like him that there's butterflies.

Craig's POV

I picked up the rest of my chicken and threw it away. I thought it was best to go to Dr. F to see how Jay was doing before I went to Ray.

Craig: hi I'm Craig Crippen, I need to talk to Dr. F about Janay Mia Smith..

Lady at Front Desk: sure hold on * over intercom* Dr. F please come to the front desk once again Dr. F please come to the front desk. Thank you * turns off intercom* you can have a seat he'll be out shortly.

I sat and started to play Candy Crush on my phone and within no time he came.

Dr. F: Family of Janay Smith?

Craig: yes sir, how is she?

Dr. F : * looks thro records* well you won't believe this but she's.. ok. she's up . She's going through rehab but she's not allowed any visitors.

Craig: oh okay thanks for your help Dr.F

~ Rays Hospital Room ~

I ran all the way the out of breath and everything.

Craig: * breathing heavy* RAY.. RAY GUESS WHAT! JANAY IS UP! SHES ALIVE SHES OKAY!!!

Rose's POV

Did he just say Janays alive.? DAMN !!!


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Authors Note

I'm almost done writing " Finding Love" the intro. I'm fulling my promise of having it up by Christmas or a few days after. But I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter I worked all day on it. please comment and leave how you feel or anything like that it really helps. I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas🎄. I'm telling you every cuz I won't update before then. Hope everyone gets what they want. Happy Holidays Baes! thanks for reading.


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