【Safe and Sound】

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You could moved your hands through her hair with ease, combed perfectly and gently. Her golden locks held high thanks to the pink huntress. The last words of a song left her lips as the final strand was combed.


The blonde stood from her bed and turned to the window which held the perfect view to the outside world, the sun shining through. A small smile before turning to her dear guest.

Making her way back into the head of the bed, walking past Neo and taking a seat against the bed post, resting her back.

Neo rotated her body to face the blonde. All she could do was smile at her.

It was silent but one they both could enjoy.

Neo sat for a moment before crawling her way beside Yang. Neo resting against the bed post.  Her head falling lazily against the blonde's arm, taking in the peaceful moment. Yang turned her head and watched her relax against her with closed eyes, a faint smile remaining on her lips. Steady breathing was all that was heard in both of their ears as no words were spoken.

Soon the huntress lost her will to remain awake, falling into a slumber against her arm. Slowly her head was falling. A gentle hand held her head, placing her gently upon her lap to rest more comfortably. Her hand stoking the bundle of pink locks, fixing the little hairs that covered her sleeping face, but little strands there and there remained in their undesired place, small curls framing the sides of her face quite nicely. She has been hiding in the shadow watching the blonde pick her self up little by little after her incident. Never making an appearance until the week before, never getting the well deserved rest she needed to move on and look forward to the next day. It was only at this point that she felt welcomed,comfortable,safe and genuinely wanted to sleep so easily. A comforting hand showing kindness with every stroke. Unlike times before when one is needed to look back every second of the day because death was always at the door ready to take one away, but this time death wasn't there to say hello but a blonde angel who welcomed her even after creating such chaos and frustration for her.

"Sleep Neo."

She wondered of her even more, there has to be more reason as to why she chose to follow her, why she became the way she did, trained to be a huntress, and other questions that soon overwhelmed her thoughts. But all that was for another time. It was a time to enjoy the calm atmosphere. Question as such can be saved for another time.

Her eyes grew tired as every couple seconds she had to flutter them open as an attempt to remain awake, but like her new friend she let herself fall into the dark.

She stirred until her eyes took in her surroundings. She was laying against someone.

She lifted her head to see her fast sleep against the bed post, head hung forward.

A gentle smile

"She let me sleep"

Carefully stepping out of bed and laying her down to rest.

Her turn to enjoy some sleep.

The girl need a shower and decided to borrow one's clothes for the night.

She awoke to the sound of running water, soon shutting off right after. Yang realizing she lay upon her bed with Neo no where in sight, "She must be showering."  With a swift movement she sat at the edge of the bed before exiting the room to retrieve a glass of water . Surprisingly her father still hasn't returned home leaving the two alone for quite sometime. "I wonder when dad is coming back?"

Fix My Broken HeartDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora