44. Can You Guess? ^-^

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Our bodies were intertwined for hours just as we slept. Skin to skin and hand to hand we touched. When I woke up I looked at Tae's sleeping face and admired him for a while. I knew there was no way I could move on. Namjoon wa a nice guy but I love Taemin. As I was thinking about how things would be now, he started to wake up. He instantly smiled at me and brought me into a hug. His smile that I haven't seen in ages finally showed itself to me. His eyes shined with passion and I hugged him back as tight as I could; because I missed him.

"Taemin ah, should we get up now?" I asked.

"No. Stay here with me." he answered.

"But it's already morning."

"Do you not want to stay with me?"

"No I do! But we can't be lazy all day."

He smiled and pinched my nose.

"Fine. Go clean yourself up." But before I got up he placed a gentle kiss on my lips.


"Come on a trip with me."

I looked at him as we stood in, what was now again "our", living room. A trip? This was extremely sudden. Did he have all this already planned to even be asking?

"A trip where?

"To Cheonggyecheon Stream." he answered with a big smile.

"Please Ari! I'm sure you'll be very pleased!" he begged.

"I better be! I've only heard good things about that place!" I teased.

"You will be. I promise." he tapped his right pocket lightly.

"Alright then. We'll go. But when?"

"Today. Right now." he chuckled."


"Kaja!" he grabbed my hand and the next thing I knew we were in the car.

As we were in the car my mind took a journey on past memories of me and Taemin. As I was smiling like an idiot hoping he wasn't watching, I remembered something.


"Taemin ah?" I said approaching him.
"What's wrong baby?" He asked looking concerned.
"I wanna ask you something."
We walked into the bedroom while I asked him.
"What have you been doing lately that's taking up all of your time?" I asked.
"What do you mean?"
"Well lately I noticed that all of a sudden I haven't been able to see you as much. We only have three days of summer left and I wanna spend it with you but you're busy." I said a bit saddened.
"I'm sorry Jagi." He apologized and hugged me. He placed a kiss on my forehead before smiling at me.
"I've just been working extra hours."
"What? Why are you working extra hours all of a sudden?"
Something's not right. Why is he working extra hours?
"I asked for them. Just extra money." He explained.
"Oh...well okay then." I said not really getting it. Extra money for what?
"Okay!" I yelled.
"From now on imma guess what you need extra money for." I stated determined.
He gently laughed at me and pinched my nose.
"You'll never guess."
"Idunno I think I'm a pretty good guesser." I argued.
"Okay I mean I think you're crazy but say what you need to honey."
This little shit. I WILL guess what he needs to buy with "extra money". I should beat him up for doubting me.   


I still wondered why he was saving up all this extra money. Should I ask if he still is? I shouldn't right? I mean it's none of my business....


I'll ask later.


When we finally arrived at out destination I was completely amazed! It was so beautiful since we got there around dark.  The stream flowed so silently but had an uproar of beauty. It was surrounded by lights and shops and gave off nothing but good vibes.

"Wow Taemin ah! This is awesome! I'm impressed just like you promised." I smiled.

"Good. Should we walk around?" He asked taking my hand in his. 

I nodded and we began walking while taking in the atmosphere. But while we were walking and talking about several things, I still thought about if Taemin was still saving money for something.


"A new car?" I said.
He looked at me and shook his head.
"Try again." He chuckled.
"Ummm...a new....pair of sneakers?"
"Is someone's birthday coming up?"
"No." He said again.
"Ugh! I'll get it sometime." I said laying back on the couch.
"You know what I think?" Taemin spoke up.
"What? What do you think pretty boy?" I said with attitude.
"I think you won't get it until you see it." He answered smugly.
What did he mean by that?  


What did he mean then? It must be something for me right? I decided finally to bring it up.

"A new car?" I looked up at him and asked.

"Hm?" he said confused.

"A new pair of sneakers?"

"Ari what are you talking about?"

"Is someone's birthday coming up?"

"Ari what are you-" he stopped to laugh.

"Are you alright?"

"I'm guessing." I said simply.

"I remembered a while ago you said you were working extra hours for extra money. Remember when you told me that?"

He took a second to think and then nodded.

"Well I'm trying to guess still. But you said 'You won't get it until you see it.'. But what does that mean?"

Taemin smiled slightly at the ground and tapped his pocket.

"Wanna try one more time?"

I smirked and raised an eyebrow.

"Does this mean you finally bought what you intended to and are gonna show it to me now?" I asked kind of excited.

"I did. But just for laughs guess one more time."

Alright then. What could he possible want to get? 

"Hmmm.... Did you get... a new CD you really wanted?"

"Nope." he smiled.

"Alright alright well now that I've guessed for the last time show me!!" I said happily rushing him along.

"Ok. And just so you know I wasn't saving for me. I was saving to get you something."

Taemin smiled and looked at me with tender eyes before reaching into his pocket.

And he pulled out a ring.

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