35. Seductive pt. 2

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The word "Focus" didn't exsist anymore. Not after what happened this morning. I tried focusing but how could I? I bit my pencil and starred at the wall. My breath was shaky and my legs wouldn't stay still. Damn what a morning...
I let out a small gasp as Key's voice brought me out of my nasty thoughts.
"Are you okay? You seem distracted." He said looking at me with squinted eyes; his look for saying he thought something was up.
"No I'm okay, honest."
"You're lying."
"No I'm not!"
"Ari." He looked at me intently.
"Ok I'm distracted but I'm fine Oppa I promise." I gave him a small smile and looked to the professor to see what we would be doing today.
After a while of teaching I started to feel a hand sneak up my leg. It was a seductive hand. It went further and further up my thigh. I yelped and jumped up from my seat. Everyone stopped and looked at me.
"Is there something wrong Ari?" The teacher asked me.
"Sorry I just felt something weird on my leg. I thought it was a bug but it was nothing. I'm sorry teacher." I bowed and sat back down. The hand that touched me was on my right, meaning it was Minho.
"Minho!" I whisper yelled over to him.
"Yeah?" He replied smugly.
"Why are you touching me like that?"
"Like what? It was just my putting my hand on you." He chuckled.
"No it wasn't! You were going higher and higher up my thighs!" I said to him angrily.
"Did you like it?"
"You seemed a bit distracted so I thought I'd get you to focus on me." He looked at me and his eyes went up and down. What is he looking at!?
"It's too bad Taemin is a bit young to know how to really take care of you. I mean he got you pregnant but I can do better."
"Okay!" The teacher started to announce. "Get into your groups and try on your own to give a shot to the test dummy at your station."
Minho, Key, and I got up and headed over to our station where needles, gloves, gauses, and small jars awaited us.

I put on my gloves and started to follow the directions that was in the book on the dummy.
"Was it smart to let you go first?" Key laughed.
"Yes! I know what I'm doing Oppa!" I laughed back while giving him a slight push.
"Alright then. Minho and I will watch really closely." He said.
I gulped.
"Umm... How close?"
"Like this." Minho said hovering over my shoulder, while Key followed up.
"Oh..uh, okay." I said nervously.
I started with cleaning my hands and the top of the medicine jar. They really were watching me like hawks the whole time! They looked like crazy people.
"Ari." I jumped a little hearing Minho whisper in my ear.
"What do you want for your birthday?" He asked seductively.
I didn't answer because Key was right there. I'm really trying to distance myself from Minho but he's always around. And I hate to do it cause Minho is like my family and I love him. But the way he's acting is just not okay, especially since his best friend is my boyfriend. WHAT DO I DO!?
I sighed and finished injecting the medicine into the dummy.
"Good job sweetie." Minho whispered giving my cheek a small kiss. WAS KEY REALLY NOT SEEING ANY OF THIS!?
"Okay Ari! That was great!" Key praised me.
"Thank you." I smiled trying to make it seem like I wasn't dying on the inside right now.
"You go now Minho." I suggested trying to keep calm and talk to him normally.
Even though he's acting like this I wanna keep a friendly atmosphere with him. I wanna be his friend still.
"Alright let's see if I can follow up." He laughed a little.
I love Minho's laugh. It was soft and subtle. And his smile was so gentle. Everything about Minho was gentle. I don't wanna loose him as a friend but I don't want his behavior to continue.
I watched him put on gloves and I started to look at his arms. Wow, his forearms are so toned! But he plays soccer how are his arms so perfect!? Well he plays basketball too. I thought back to when I went to one of his basketball games. I felt my cheeks burn up. WAIT! WHY AM I BLUSHING!? NO NO NO! I can't give into him just by noticing something as small as how well he plays a sport!
"Do I look that good holding a needle Ari? Don't make me tell Taemin on you." Minho teased while winking at me which didn't help my blushing face AT ALL.

After that class was finally over, I said goodbye to Key and walked out to my next class. I couldn't find Minho anywhere to say goodbye to him. He went to the bathroom and never came back to class. And he took his stuff with him. Maybe he just ditched? I shrugged and walked through the halls. I couldn't pull my thoughts away from earlier. Why did I blush watching Minho do nursing? Why did I get chills down my spine when he whispered in my ear?? And why didn't I scold him for touching me in a way that only Taemin can??? This is all so frustrating!
"Ari!" I turned and there he was.
"Minho Oppa? Where did you go during class?" I stopped walking and asked him.
"I just wanted to get outta there. I love the nursing class but I'm that type of person that doesn't really bother in the beginning of the year. I'll care a little more later." He laughed.
"Ohh okay trouble maker." I smiled.
"You know, I think we should take a walk."
"A walk?" I asked nervously.
"Yeah c'mon."
"Minho we have another class to get to." I said trying to get out of the situation as quickly as possible without getting caught up.
"C'mon please? I'm just asking for one skip day with you? It's your birthday and I have my own surprise for you." (Minho's surprise will be revealed in the next chapter)
"You do?"
He didn't say anything and just smiled at me. He took my hand and started walking.
I pulled my hand away.
"I don't think it's a good idea to hold my hand in public."
"Oh. Right..." He said looking down for a second before smiling again.
"Alright c'mon."

Taemin POV

I started walking to my next class when I saw Ari in the hall. I was about to call her name when I heard someone beat me to it. It was Minho Hyung. Why did he need to call her? I was kinda close but they didn't see me since there were so many people crowding the halls to cover me. They stopped to talk and so did I.
"You know, I think we should take a walk."
A walk? Why should you take a walk with Ari for? The next thing I know he started holding her hand! Is Ari having a secret affair with Minho behind my back!? I felt my heart drop dramatically. I love her too much to have this happen to me again!
"Minho." I heard her speak.
She pulled her hand away.
"I don't think it's a good idea to hold my hand in public."
Well why not? Unless you're trying not to get caught?
Please please PLEASE don't let this be real! My heart was hurting way too much at this point so I left.

During our walk Minho tried a lot of moves. It was so weird comming from him! He tried holding my hand, putting his arm around me, he was even so close to me, I think he tried to kiss me! But I can't let him. I love Taemin too much to loose him over this.
As I started walking to lunch I spotted him by himself.
"Taemin!" I called his name.
As I got closer he lifted his head and he looked like he was  just finishing crying.
"Oppa what's wrong? Please stop." It hurt seeing him like this. I grabbed him and hugged him close.
"What's wrong huh?"
"You love me right?" He asked.
"Don't ask stupid questions! Of course!" I replied.
"Ari I just...I just love you so much baby. Please don't fall for anyone else okay?" He grabbed my face and kissed me deeply. So deeply it was almost sexual.
"What happened?" I asked kinda dizzy from his kiss, as he pulled away.
"I saw Minho hold your hand in the hallway. You're not falling for him are you?" He held my hands tightly.
"No I never would! I should tell you though about Minho."
"What about him? Is he doing something to you?" He asked concerned.
"It's just that lately, Minho has been-"
"There they are!"
We looked over and Jonghyun was walking over with everyone else.
"We were looking for you two!" Jinki said.
"We have a surprise for you Ari." Key smiled.
"A surprise?"
"Oh yeah, the surprise." Taemin said. I'm guessing because of our conversation he forgot.
"Tada! And from behind Jonghyun's back was a beautiful cake. I smiled and began to tear up. Taemin perked up and wrapped his arm around my shoulder and on his cue, they sang to me.
"And you can thank the best boyfriend ever for this." Taemin smirked.
"This was your idea?" I asked.
"Mhmm." He smiled while leaning in to kiss me.
"Happy Birthday baby." He said softly into my ear.
I smiled and he pinched my nose.
We all sat down and began to eat together. This afternoon wasn't the best but I'm glad Taemin did this for me. I wonder what tonight will be like. But I still have to tell Taemin about Minho.

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