<6. Kiss>

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I sat down with Taemin eating my cereal he prepared for me. It was so nice and generous for him to do that. Right now it was just me, Taemin, and Minho awake in the dorm. Minho was showering while we ate. It was so akward for me. After that dream I had how could I have peaceful conversation with him? I quietly ate as he sat next to me eating his food as well.
"Did you sleep well?" He asked me.
"Mm...I guess so." I answered.
"Did you have a bad dream?"
I chocked on my breath as he asked this. I could barley answer for a moment.
"N-no I just...had trouble sleeping. I kept waking up throughout the night." I lied.
"Oh I'm sorry. You must be tired then?"
"Kinda but I'll be okay." I smiled at him feeling my heart beat.
"Good." He smiled back.
Suddenly his phone rang. Who would be calling him? He pulled out his phone and I snuck a peek at the name on his screen. "Yewon". My heart sank after rising so much since last night. But then I was shocked when he let out a sigh and put his phone away. Why did he ignore her call??
"Oppa? Aren't you gonna answer it?" I asked pretending to not know who it was.
"No. I'm not in the mood." He said sounding a bit saddened.
"Are you okay?" I turned in my chair and look in his eyes concerned.
"Don't lie Oppa." I said standing up.
"If there's something wrong please tell me. I wanna be there for you. I wanna be able to help you if you're in need of something."
As I finished Taemin stood up and immediately held me in his arms. I was a bit shocked at first but I eased up a bit and hugged him back.
"Thank you." He whispered to me.
"No problem. I wanna be there all the time."
Taemin pulled away and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead.
He....his lips... Taemin just kissed me. And it was amazing. His lips were soft against my skin. It may not have been a real kiss but this still felt like cloud 9. I looked up at him surprised and I couldn't control the smile on my face. I probably looked extremely stupid covering my smile so he wouldn't see. He smiled down at me and pulled my hand away from my face.
"Don't cover your smile. I wanna see it everyday okay?"
I nodded and blushed deeply.

Later that day since it was still the weekend I stayed at the dorm with the guys cause ain't no body was tryna go home for nothing! I mean I have no friends, no social life, what was I supposed to do once I got home? Read? Ha! You thought! Nah I'm finna chill today. Insert cool sunglasses emoji here. So I sat on the couch with Minho and Jonghyun watching everyone else play game. These guys are really something else. They were playing a soccer game or something and there was a load of yelling and body movements beyond explanation. And they were cheating like crazy. I guess boys will be boys huh?
"Yah! Taemin-ah! What are you doing you're messing me up!" Key, I now call him by his nickname, yelled at Taemin as Taemin was trying to grab his remote control from him. I silently laughed as I watched them play.
"Hey! I was about to get the ball! Aren't  you on my team?" Jinki yelled to Key.
"You were taking to long to score. I can't just wait for you." Key retorted.
"You guys are pretty competitive huh?" I said leaning my elbows on my knees in interest.
"Extremely!" Taemin turned and smiled at me.
"Minho, are you gonna play with me and Jonghyun after they're done?" I asked him.
Minho looked at me but he seemed a bit out of it for some reason. Was he okay?
"No. I don't feel like playing."
"Woah wait pause." I said.
"Don't you love soccer?"
"Yeah but... I don't feel well actually. Imma go take a nap." He got up, patted my head, and went in his way.
"Is he alright?" I asked once he had left.
"Idunno. He seems a bit down doesn't he?" Taemin noticed.
"Well you're the closest to him, you talk to him." Jinki told him.
"Me?" Taemin pointed to himself.
"Yeah you two know eachother the best. Maybe he'll tell you." Key said.
"Okay I'll see what's wrong."
I watched as Taemin walked passed me to Minho's room until he stopped and looked at me.
"It's okay Ari. Minho will be okay. I know how much you like him so I'll make sure he's happy for you." He smiled and left.
To be honest that hurt a bit. Thinking that I like Minho does he think now that I have no feelings for him? Well wouldn't it be like that since always? Since we met and he found out that Minho and I were "seeing" eachother? Idunno I can't think straight I'm even confusing myself a bit. But now if he thinks I like Minho, does this mean he won't even aknowledge me?

A few minutes later Taemin came back and sat down beside me. He looked like he received some news from Minho. I was so curious to what Minho had told him. Should I just have asked him myself?
"So what's with him?" Key asked.
"Ari can I talk to you?"
"Me?" I asked. Suddenly my heart began racing.
"Oh so it has to do with you." Jonghyun smirked at me.
"Jonghyun I-"
"Jonghyun Oppa." He corrected holding up a finger.
I smiled and corrected myself. Why is he so insisted I call him Jonghyun Oppa? And Taemin too?
"Jonghyun Oppa, I don't know if I did anything wrong though. And if I did shouldn't I just apologize myself?"
"You should just in case." He told me.
"Come with me I need to tell you something." Taemin said again.
We stood up and excused ourselves and he lead me to his room.
Once we stepped in, he shut the door and we sat side by side on his bed making me nervous to be honest.
"So what was wrong with him?"
"He said he feels like you don't like him. He didn't tell me the details but he's pretty depressed about it."
How would he suddenly feel this way? I feel awful now because it is true. Believe me Minho is amazing and I do like him but I don't think I like him the way I like...love Taemin.
"Ohh... Maybe I should talk to him."
"But Ari?"
"Do you like someone else?" He suddenly asked.
"W-what!? What made you ask that so suddenly?" I asked getting nervous.
"Just wanna know." He shrugged and smiled a bit.
"So do ya?" He asked again.
I paused because I didn't wanna tell him that I was in love with him. ESPECIALLY when he has a girlfriend.
"No. I don't like anyone." I answered.
I don't know why but his face seemed to droop a little by my response. What's wrong with him now?
"Hm? Oppa?"
At my call to him he looked up and his face brightened. He showed me a cheesy smile.
"It's nothing! But you should talk to Minho. Right?"
"Yeah. I'll go now. Thank you for telling me." I smiled. I turned around and began to walk out the room.
"Uh, Ari?"
He paused for a momet not saying anything. He slowly got up and walked to me. He looked into my eyes and just stood very close to me. My heart was beating and my face was burning. What was he doing?
"You really don't like anyone?"
My eyes widened and I felt like I was gonna fall out! Why would he be asking me this? Unless...no. Not even possible. He has a girlfriend. He loves Yewon. But he ignored her call this morning. I still wonder why though.
"N-no..." I answered.
He lifted his lips a small inch and he placed his hand on my head. He didn't say anything. But then he just slipped passed me and left. What was that about?

I entered Minho's room after knocking and gaining his approval to come in. I saw him laying down on his bed throwing up a small ball over his head and catching it as it fell. He looked so down. Why all of a sudden? I walked up to his bed and sat down beside him.
"Hey." I started.
"Um, are you alright? You seemed a bit down a few minutes ago."
"...I'm okay." He answered.
"Minho please don't lie."
I placed my hand on his arm stopping him from throwing the hall up in the air again.
"Please tell me." I pleaded.
Minho finally sat up and looked at me.
"Ari, do you like me?"
I stayed silent. What do I say?
"Of course I like you."
"No. I mean more than a friend."
"I thought so."
We stayed silent for a minute.
"It's Taemin isn't it?" He suddenly said.
"You like him don't you?"
"I...I don't. I don't like him at all." I lied.
"I saw ya know."
"Saw what?" I asked curiously.
"Last night when you guys watched a movie together. I woke up when I heard you screaming and you were in his lap."
I suddenly remembered last night and blushed a bit. But I tried to subside it when I remembered it wasn't the right time to be blushing.
"I also saw him kiss you this morning."
"But that wasn't a real kiss!" I quickly said embarrassed.
"It was just on my forehead!" I said defending myself.
"Yeah I know. I just felt a bit hurt ya know? I really like you Ari."
"Minho... I'm so sorry." I said.
I actually felt so bad for Minho. How could I do this to him? What could I do to make it up to him?
He looked to me a bit upset.
"I feel awful. So if you want I'll grant you one wish." I smiled.
He returned the smile and I felt better.
"You sure?"
"Yeah. Anything you want." I nudged his shoulder with my own.
He smiled and looked at me.
"Kiss." He said.
"P-p-pardon???" I stuttered.
"I want a kiss." He smiled.
How could I not smile? I was flattered and his smile always made me smile. Nothing was different.
"Okay but just this once okay? And don't tell anyone!" I said putting a finger to my lips.
"I promise." He said.
"Okay good."
It was akward for a moment and then he turned his head and looked at me with his passionate gaze. I'm gonna miss that gaze. He slowly leaned into my space and gently pecked my lips. As long as I can make him happy at this moment, I'll do it. I would hate if Minho were to be upset about this for a long time. So I guess granting him this wish is the least I can do. As he pulled away he smiled at me and so did I.
"Thank you Ari."
I nodded when suddenly I heard Minho's door close. When was it open?

Taemin...Stay With MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora