Buy Low, Sell High

2 0 0

Bi-Polar day-trader, low-spirits
megalomanic-depressive swings
bullish & bearish conditions
polar bears & bi-sexual bulls
bi-Polar Bears, bi-language Bulls
Fear & Greed Index,55 Broad ST.
Dr. Matheus Goldberg, Board Certified
Risk-corrected Free cashflow
Operating net income - €3,750,000.00
(Chapter 11,14,15) , Fiscal law evasion
What emotion is driving market now?
Extreme recession >24 months
American Psychiatric Association
Clinical Depression or burn-out
Add to watchlist, buy low (...)
Chicago Options Delayed Price.
Currency in USD: Hold...
Quote Lookup, sell high!
Chateau Migraine 1954
21.39-0.69 (-3.13%)
As of 2: 26 PM EDT.
Market open -
Mayo Clinic. 

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