Climate Change Poetry

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Is pure poetry like godforsaken fossil fuel

made by mother Earth in multi-trillions of light years

yet consumed by one or two lost generations

of spoiled rotten, silver-spoon born G8 spoiled brats?

Does poetry radiates the cold chill of air conditioners

expected to spread rapidly in the future, accompanied

by a constant increase in A5 country refrigerant consumption

still using HCFCs, such as HCFC-22 (here in after called "R-22")

a substance that is harmful to the ozone layer although the consumption

of HCFCs in A5 countries was frozen in 2013, and the phase-out of these substances in A5 countries began in 2015.

Hell no, let's embrace poetry as pure renewable energy

electrifying power from a source that is never depleted when used

such as falling water, wind breeze or clean solar power, uncompromising

poetry with the environmental benefits of renewable energy.

The longer we wait to write environmental poetry, the more severe the negative impact will be in the future. It is thus an urgent requirement that we find and adopt an appropriate literary solution to mitigate future total global warming without wasting any more precious time

time is like Big Oil's medically-assisted prostitute services

time is money, serious money indeed.

Come gather 'round people where ever you roam

and admit that the waters around you have grown

and accept it that soon you'll be drenched to the bone

if your time to you is worth saving your father, mother Earth

then you better start swimming or you'll sink like a stone,

for due to our fellow law-abiding citizens

our climate a-changing.

Let's hope we meet again my friends in the year 3016

while reading aloud, in the eloquent tradition of musical bards

one another's environmental poetry, sometime.

And we will, if, like good old Hank Williams used to sing & dance:

the good Lord willing and the creek of climate change don't rise.

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