Apple Computers

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1. Life in the Garden of Eden was good
in particular the delicate Apple from the forbidden tree
the tree of knowledge of good and evil
was exquisite food, pleasing to the eye
and a "giveaway" since the iPhone 7 was not yet priced
according to market value, the highest estimated price
that a buyer would pay and a seller would accept
for an item in an open and competitive market
the tree of knowledge was useful for R&D,
innovation, and to ramp-up proprietary
knowledge bases for advanced cloud computing.

2. Claiming the serpent deceived his wife
God's first child, Adam, relieved himself
from the legal responsibility
of violating the ultimate Criminal Code Act
by returning his father's favor
with outright betrayal of confidence
and breach of trust.

3. How the hell could he do this to Me?
This, after all I've done for this son of a gun - and his wife?
Please keep in mind that the contemporary notions of mercy,
reconciliation and kind loving forgiveness yet had to be invented
Jesus of Nazareth (anno Domini: 1-33) was not yet born
the Garden of Eden was originated decennia Before Christ.

4. The unarmed yet outrageous daylight robbery, id est
stealing a precious iPone from the best tree in the front yard
never mind the perpetrators were God's offspring
prompted immediate action from the Divine Authorities
Episcopal Attorney Generals were itching to retaliate
and longing for quid pro quo (payback).

5. In the absence of a Supreme Court, God took justice
in his own hands and introduced the capital punishment
also known as the death penalty
despite of being created in the image of God
Eve, the pretty petty thief (who masterminded the heist)
and her evil hubby and accomplice, Adam
descended from ivy league to humble mortality
equating the unmarried couple to the same wild animals
and birds in the sky
they were once supposed to rule.

6. For dust you are and to dust you will return
this exactly is what happened in the
next generation of the human species
while they were in the field,
Cain attacked his brother Abel with malice intent
and proactively returned him to dust
his brother's blood cried out from the ground.

7. Since his murder trial, Cain, the eldest son of parents
with an impressive police record of criminal convictions
worsened his case by committing perjury
claiming he had no idea whatsoever
where his brother is,
he also neglected the job description to be his brother's keeper
"Get the hell outta my life", cried out the Master of the Universe
God beat the pants off Cain and confiscated all stolen Apple ware.

8. Cain is now restlessly wandering on the earth
sadly deprived of the modern technology advantages of the iphone 7.

9.These are the well-documented biblical origins
of the history of our Western Civilization.

10. This little tale also displays the religious origins of Apple Inc., a computer company headquartered in Cupertino, CA (nearby the Garden of Evil), USA
Apple's estimated Market Cap is U$589.28 billion
providing numerical validation for Honoré de Balzac's suspicion
that every great fortune begins with a crime
who says that crime doesn't pay?

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