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Lil woke up to the drop ship rocking, and Bellamy's rough, familiar voice

-Please, just tell me what you did to her!" Lil's eyes darted around the room. She was on the last floor, and the Grounder that had attacked her was chained, unmoving and no sound emitting from his mouth. Lil tried to push herself up, the jacket that was covering her sliding from her body. She groaned, her arms were still weak.

Bellamy rushed to her as soon as he heard her, crouching down to her level.

-Lil, thank fucking god." she laughed

-Watch your language, I am but a weak demoiselle recovering from some kind of sleeping powder."

Bellamy's mouth quirked upwards, as he looked at her with an indescribable emotion in his eyes.

-You almost die to much, don't do this again." Lil blushed. It wasn't the first time that Bellamy had expressed that he cared for her, but it was in the heat of the action, and she didn't have time to think about her feelings. But now, with his face so close to hers, and his fingers fiddling with her hair, she was aware of the butterflies in her stomach, and to how hot the temperature had risen.

The trapdoor burst open, and Clarke erupted from it, her face was red, her eyes bloodshot. Bellamy stood up, and Lil tried, but was unable to get up, her legs felt like jelly. Clarke held up a knife, and Lil felt something happen in her head. Something had happened when she had been out to sleep, but her brain wouldn't let her remember.

-What did you put on it! This knife! You poisoned Finn with it!" Bellamy's head whipped around to Lil, just to see her watch her  whole world collapse.

Now she remembered, she remembered Finn falling to the ground, and how she had been to weak to help him. Too occupied to fall asleep

Finn. Spacewalker. If she lost him, she was sure she would die. She would hate herself, hate herself to death.

-Where is he! Finn! Where is he?" Octavia had come up the trapdoor as well, and approached Lil.

-He's downstairs, he's going to be okay. Clarke removed the knife and stitched him up. You don't need to worry;"

-If he's dying, I need to see him." Lil's eyes were blurry with tears. Once again.

-Finn is not dying." Clarke' jaw was set, eyes fixed on the Grounder. "The blade was poisoned, there must be an antidote. Please."

-Vials." Everyone looked at Bellamy, confused. "The vials in his bag, one of them must be the antidote." They laid down the bag on the floor.

-Which one?" It was Lil, she had managed to get herself up, her legs still felt like cotton, but she was desperate. "Please, just answer this, and I promise they'll let you go." The Grounder didn't budge, he didn't even look at her. "Look at me, coward!" Tears were streaming down her face now. She shouted so loud that her throat hurt. The Grounder took a step back, and stole a glance at her, as if he was finally noticing her. "He's the only one I have left, if you let him die, I'll kill everyone you love, and let you live with the pain. You'll go what I went through, and I hope you live through it like me, and I promise, you won't get over it." Her tone was menacing, Lil surprised herself at how cruel she sounded, but had no time for remorse. She felt someone grab her arm, pulling her back. Bellamy.

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