-You've been working on this for hours Lil, you need a break, you know, breathe actual air, be an actual human." she punched his shoulder jokingly.

-You can talk about being a normal human, when you put these goggles on, you look like a fly." Jasper pretended to be offended. "But you're right, I should get some fresh air. You going to buy me a drink?" She joked as they both stood up, leaving the drop ship.

They walked around camp, joking around and laughing. Jasper was so sweet, it made her forget her problems,  she was glad to have saved him, and sad that's she hadn't talked to him earlier.

The charm broke when Bellamy walked towards them, with a serious look on his face. He frowned even more when he saw her with Jasper. Lil was worried that he was going to want to talk to her privately, but it was worse.

-Have you seen Octavia?" his voice was frantic, his hair messy, as if he had ran his hand through it multiple times.

-No, why?" she turned around to Jasper, who's eyes had widened, and remembered how he had a little crush on the girl, and now probably very worried as well.

-She isn't here, and I didn't see her around yesterday night either. It's been 12 hours." He looked worried, vulnerable. Lil put a reassuring hand on his arm.

-Relax, Bell, I'll go look around the forest, you stay here to see if she comes back." he shook his head.

-And risk you getting killed by Grounders? No way, we're all going." he turned around, and made his voice loud for everyone to hear. "Everyone gather around! My sister's been out there for 12 hours, and we're going to go find her." He dumped a bag at his feet, that collided with the ground in a clatter of metal and wood. Weapons. "So arm up, we're not leaving without her."

-Look!" a boy shouts, pointing his finger to the sky. We all turn around, trying to see what the boy is showing.

-It's beautiful" I can barely manage to talk, the view is breathtaking. Hundreds of meteors are illuminating the sky; my admiration is cut off by Raven, stepping behind me.

-They didn't see it. The flares didn't work." I'm suddenly aware of Bellamy's presence beside me, his body slightly touching mine.

-And a meteor shower tells you that?"

-That's not a meteor shower, its a funeral. Hundreds of bodies being
returned to Earth."

I feel like I'm going to be sick, 300 innocent people lost their lives today. How many of them were children? Sacrificed by the Ark. How many of them were working class people? Probably all of them, the Ark would always spare the powerful.

I feel Bellamy grab my hand. Probably for his reassurance rather than mine. It's his fault the radio is broken.

-This is what it looks from the other side." Clarke continues, but I don't care anymore. I'm trying to figure out what to think. They're dead because of Bellamy, he threw the radio away, but he couldn't have known what consequences a simple radio would have created.

-This is all because of you!" Raven's shout interrupts the silent grieving the camp was in.

-I helped you find the radio!" Bellamy answers indignantly.

- After you jacked it from my pod and trashed it!" Raven's face has molded into a fury, she reaches to push him, but I stop her, pushing her back.

-Don't." I growl. I don't know why I have this sudden urge to protect him, he probably doesn't need my help anyway, but it felt natural. Raven gives me a questioning look.

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