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Dani did everything. She did the vocals, drums, bass, guitar... I knew she could and she's good but I didn't know she was that good. She did everything so effortlessly but you could see that she loves what she's doing.

"Man, she's killing it in there." Myke sits next to me while Dani's slaying with the drums

"Yeah, she is."

Rowan was still filming inside the booth. Myke's just gonna remove the noise.

"She's gonna win the whole thing for sure."

"She can, but she doesn't want to."

"What? She's wasting the oppurtunity."

"She has everything planned. She's smart, you know."

"Yeah, sure. Look, she's almost done. Imma get back there."

This was her third take on the drums, and she was sweating heavily. Her faded green undercut was damp and her back was drenched.


We paid Myke, got his number and we went back to the X-Factor house while Dani started editing the track. Using garage band.

"You sure you're just using that?" Naya was in our room. Rowan and Raina were reviewing the footage, I was lounging on her floor.

"Yeah, you'll see. I've been using this app for 3 years and believe me, it's pretty great if you know everything about it."

"You produced music?"

"No. Not really. I mean, I made music, edited and sold it to some people back in Dallas."

"Why didn't you keep it?"

"I don't know... It wasn't my type of music. It was too... Mainstream. It wasn't me."

We were silent for a few minutes, then Dani spoke up.

"Okay, I'm done." She pulled off her headphones and connected a speaker to her laptop.



For the last day, since we were done doing the music video? We decided to have some fun. Our fun included dancing in the rain while in a swimming pool.

I was the only one to get sick because it never rains in Texas. LA, yeah sometimes.

So at the day our MVs were to be released I was sick. Good thing we didn't have to sing.

I was in the backstage, lying on a couch, in a huge hoodie and sweatpants and knee high socks, watching my music video. They said they'll try not to ask me too much.

The music video was equal parts adorable, serious, and funny (which was just me trying to teach the four of them a little but if cardistry and "accidentally" hitting the camera with my flying cards)

I was proud of it. I had a great team, great and talented friends backing me up.

When the video ended, they helped me up and lead me to the stage. Thank Castiel I was strong enough to walk. (a/n: whaddup spn reference!)

"Hey guys!" I say, my voice tearing itself apart.

"Oh, Dani you sound terrible. Don't speak for now." Simon says. I nod.
"First of, when we heard you earned extra money and that's what you used for the whole video, we were actually... shocked. Nobody else did that, so great job."

"And you were the one who thought of the idea, recorded all the vocals, drums guitar and bass! That's amazing!" Ed says "I didn't know you could do all those things."

"She even edited the track." Naya says.

"There's so much potential in you, Dani, and you're very creative and you have this huge bag of trick that I know you're saving later, so I'm very very excited for that."

"I hope though that you could've mixed the track up more, because there's so much you still could do with this song, but overall it was flawless." Ed says.

"Yay thanks!" My voice was coarse, not like my normal but it was like that sound when your trying to find the radio station in those old stereo.

"So, do you wanna thanks anyone?"

"Oh, absolutely. First is Myke Charles who let me use his studio for a very cheap price. Thanks so much, go check him out @MykeCharles on twitter, he's amazing. Next if course are Rowan and Reina Edmund, who filmed and edited the video." The two of them ran up to the stage. "There they are. Next is Marian Soriano, the actress in the music video. She's really talented so... yeah, you guys get that, and lastly, Paxon."


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