Chapter 2 - Awkward

Start from the beginning

Ok, pull it together, idiot.

"Hey, I'm Miranda." I said as I smiled back at him, but quickly looked away as I felt the blood rise to my cheeks again. I was that worked up that I couldn't even look him in the eyes. What the heck had gotten into me?!

"So, what course are you taking?" He asked me while concentrating on his notepad once more.

"Bachelor of Chemistry, boring I know. You?" I replied, finally being able to calm myself down like a normal person, not some crazed teenage groupie.

"Biotech." He replied back, still not meeting my gaze. So, he's a smart boy...

Finally, the lecturer walked in, somewhat saving my stupid little reaction to a mere good looking college boy. But possibly one of the best looking I had ever met...

The lecturer was one of those typical science-nerd types - grey balding hair, large thick glasses, dressed in a suit that looked like it was in fashion in the seventies, and attempting to appear all serious. I couldn't help but contain a little giggle at the sight of him, and I was sure that Will had noticed. It was kind of mean but totally self-inflicted on his behalf.

Before I knew it, the lecture had begun, and he started dribbling on about his boring life and his boring qualifications and how he emanated to become the chemistry lecturer. I didn't need to listen to know all about his life, my vibes had already told me that he was a lonely man, age sixty-three, never married with no kids, and had dedicated his entire life to the University researching chemistry and working his way up.

Struggling to maintain an attention span, I started mindlessly scribbling pictures on my note pad with my right hand, as my left one supported my head on the arm rest. Despite having a natural knack for the sciences, I also had a naturally creative side, and was quite artistic when I wanted to be.

"Boring, hey?" Will whispered quite closely to my ear. I glanced over at him and he was staring at my note pad. I immediately felt the blood rise to my cheeks again. Why did he have to have such an effect on me?

"I know hey. Like anyone cares about his boring life." I whispered back, subconsciously trying my hardest to impress him with my non-existent rebellious side. He then looked to my notepad where I had managed to unthinkingly scribble a cartoon impression of the lecturer, emphasising his large nose, glasses, and beer belly. Will let out a tiny chuckle, and I couldn't help but giggle back.

"You're not bad at drawing you know." He whispered again into my ear, making my heart beat pick up at his seductive breath caressing the side of my face. I just turned to smile at him, and the moment our eyes had met I became mesmerised, yet again. There was something about them, something that completely and utterly drew me in.

"So, why chemistry?" He whispered, still lingering by my ear, his close proximity making me increasingly nervous.

"Um, I dunno, I was just always good at it, I guess. And because of that I kind of enjoyed it. What about you? Why biotech?" I questioned, not being able to break his gaze even if I had tried. It was almost as if his proximity had done something to me, put me in some kind of trance, and I couldn't get enough. It was intoxicating.

"The same reasons too, I guess." He whispered, a slight smile pulling at the sides of his mouth, making me completely melt inside at his beautiful face. And seeing it this close up had only increased my attraction towards him. He broke the gaze and focussed back onto the lecturer, yet I couldn't look away. I must have been staring at him for minutes, until...

"Sir, when are we actually going to learn what we're here for and not about you're boring life?" Will shouted across the class room.

Oh. Em. Gee. Did he just do that? Yep. He clearly had no inhibitions. I glanced at him side on and could see that cocky look on his face once again. But if I wasn't wrong he almost looked frustrated, and angry, and then I felt my face flush the most intense shade of red as the lecturer immediately stopped what he was saying and glared at Will and I.

Dangerous Vibes - Book I of the Dangerous Series [WATTY AWARDS 2012 FINALIST]Where stories live. Discover now