chapter 23- Tsunami

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hey sorry I havent updated my tablet was broken but I'm here now anyway PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE COMMENT!!!!

I reached forward to touch my leg and writhed in pain. the game makers weren't happy with my I little stunt and dropped a bomb on it. my leg is so severely burnt I can't walk. Mabel told me to lay down and rest.

on the brightside we have a new ally. he was a career from the new batch of tributes. his names jet.he hasblonde hair and broewn eyes and a gorgeous smile.  he rescued me after the bomb.

when the bomb went off I was laid there screaming because I couldn't move ands I couldn't get back to mabel and king.

someone else heard me though. Jet came and carried me back to the tree.

that was 2 weeks ago. were nearly halfway into the games. how amazing is that?

if our alliance made it to the end I would let king or Mabel live. but at the same timei wont worry about that yet.

"Aubrey how's your leg?" asked jet.

"not getting any better but not any worse"

"we need to move I'll carry you"

"why?" I asked panicking.

"KING,BREE,JET,!!" screamed mabel

"what's going on! I demanded

"a tsunami" said jet

"wait so why are we moving? we'd be safe here?"

"the waves are so high theyd hit us, and knowing the games it probably isnt just water"

I managed to climb down the tree, Jet guided me down then I saw the water moving fast towards us.


then the water hit us .jet wrapped is arms round my waist as we were swept away.

for seconds my head was above the water andd I took a deep breath then we were under again.

I could feel Jet's head on my shoulder. 5 minutes later the waves stopped and we were able to stay upright. but the water was still do deep we were floating in it. we had been swept right into the desert part so there was nohing to grab onto.

"are you ok?" said Jet.

"yes,are you?"

" I think so" he said

"we'll have to wait for the water to drain out, do you think T and king are ok?" I asked

"I dont know" he said.

then the cannon went off. one, two , three, four, five, six,even,eight,nine, ten, eleven times. Jet tightened his grip around me, I could feel him shaking.

"we're gonna be ok" I told him

"I had a girl, we got reaped together but she told me we couldn't be together and she went off with the other careers, shes probably dead"

"well we will find out tonight when we see the pictures"

"yes, we will"

I crossed my fingers and wished that It wouldn't be Mabel or king in the sky tonight .

ok so just a reminder T and Mabel are the same person. dont forget! also do you like Jet? I wanted a finnick type character in there. so strong and positive but secretly broken.


100th games, 4 th quarter quell - hunger games fanfic- NOT TO BE CONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now