Nate saw this as a chance to run, himself. He had to find Lucy but he had no idea which way to go.

. . .

The girls heard the scream and wondered what had happened. Stass worked harder to free her own hands and eventually the rope loosened. She got the burlap off her head & the tape off her mouth.

"We have to go," she whispered to Lucy as she untied her.

Lucy ripped the tape off her mouth with her freed hands. "What about Nate and Jack?"

"We need to get help. We won't be of any help just searching."

"If we can't find them, what makes you think we can find our way back to the road?" Lucy stood up.

"Lucy!" The girls heard a male voice in the distance. "Lucy, you out there?!"

Lucy wanted to shout back but she didn't want to be found by the enemy, either.

"We have to follow his voice," she whispered.

. . .

Moments later, another scream was heard. It caused Nate to stop in his tracks. It caused Lucy & Stass to stop in their tracks. Little did everyone know, the scream came from Madison.

Madison dropped to her knees.

It was Jack.

She saw him trip over something and fall during their chase. But after that, he wasn't moving. With shaky hands, she shined her phone's light over at him. He was twitching. There was blood. She didn't think things would get to this point. It was all supposed to be just a sick game. But her revenge consumed her and now she was in an even darker hole than before. Her first instinct was to run back to Daisy so that they could flee the scene. But first, she untied Jack's hands & took the tape off his mouth.

To see her first love like that, motionless on the ground, was a rude awakening. The game was over. She needed to run away.

. . .

Stass and Lucy saw the glow of the car headlights in the distance. It was on a bit of an incline but Lucy and Stass found their way. It was Kian who shouted Lucy's name. He had arrived and found the two cars along with Lucy's phone. He called out to her first and immediately called the police wishing he went with his first instinct to call them before he even left the house.

His heart nearly stopped when he heard the sound of cracking twigs and quiet sobbing. Kian wasted no time helping get them back to the main road, telling them to get in his car.

"W-wait," Lucy cried. "Nate and Jack are out there! We can't just leave them! What if they come back to the road? We f-followed Kian's voice, why can't they follow ours?"

"Because those psychos could follow it too," Stass yelled.

"The police are on their way," Kian assured them. "No one's gonna hurt you guys, okay? Do you have any idea who did this to you or was this a weird Blair Witch experiment gone wrong?"

"Not the time to joke Kian," Lucy hissed. "We were attacked, knocked over the head and tied up. I couldn't see who it was, I just know there was a girl who told us she was gonna leave us out there to fend for ourselves as some sort of cruel joke."

"There was a second person," Stass added quietly. "I saw their masked faces briefly when they pulled me out the trunk of the car."

Lucy began to uncontrollably tremble and cry. One of her oldest friends and her first love were out in the dark woods, scared and alone. She needed the sun to come back up so she can look for them. She needed to know they were okay.

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