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Sorry for the delay. Senior year is much more challenging than I thought. Chapter 14 should follow shortly after this. It's like a "part two" to this chapter.


Reader's POV

I sat at a table in the cafeteria by myself, eating an apple. It had been few days since the successful USB mission and I wondered: "What are they going to do with the information?" "Is the information they needed even on the flash-drive?" "Are those Avenger people going to come looking for it?". After I finished the apple, I threw the core in the trash and stood up. I exited the cafeteria for some alone time before I had to leave for training.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see a small group of newly adult cadets traveling together down the corridor.

They were being assisted by Serguei Kovovsky, Stefani's younger brother. Like how Stefani was in charge of the children's section, Serguei was in charge of the adult's section. I honestly had no clue who started this program in the first place. It might of been them together or it might of been a relative of theirs. I say that because they hold maximum power here. If it were a relative, they passed their status down to them.

I felt sorry for those newly grown up cadets. They had no idea what was held in store for them. But I was more than sure that they have seen worse back in the children's section. Genesis kids grow up in hellish conditions. I watched them travel untiI I could no longer see them. After they disappeared, I sat down on the floor and closed my eyes. After resting them for a few minutes, I stood and headed for the blue room.

When I made it to the training room, I instantly headed to the bin where the bandages are kept and started to wrap my hands. If you don't wrap your hands, your knuckles will get sore. Afterwards, I began punching a sand bag. The sound of my fists hitting the bag was the only thing that could be heard throughout the large room. As I took my anger out on the bag, I let my thoughts run through my mind.

My friendship with Freddie was restored...I think. He did hug me and apologize for his actions. I didn't blame him for his jealousy. It did seem like I was 'replacing' him for four new cadets who I just met. I have known him since we were five. I gave him the nickname "Freddie". The adults then and now call him "Fredrick". He loathes that name for some reason. Both of us haven't used our surnames for quite some time, to the point of almost forgetting them.

When children are first recruited here, they are identified by a number. In my case, I was first "F5-11". The "F" stood for "female". The "5" stood for the thief branch and the "11" was a random number. I figured out that "1" and the color green was unique to the soldier branch, "3" and red was unique to the guard branch, "5" and blue was unique to the thief branch and "7" and black was unique to the assassin branch.

These codes are basically like social security numbers for us. Most of the time, the kids can keep their names. But some kids are stripped of their entire identity and are given new names. Every genesis kid has their own record. It holds our name, code, genetic and physical traits, our branch, accomplishments and failures. If you do something you aren't supposed to do, it goes on your record forever. If you disagree with this program, its best to keep your mouth shut.

I hadn't heard from Judy or Jeremias since the mission or seen Marissa. Every now and then, I run into Paris.

After I finished training, I unwrapped my hands and left the training room. I had no idea what time it was, but I decided to head to my dorm. I didn't bother to head to the shower room that night. I just changed and laid in my bed. I left the ceiling light bulb on and stared at the ceiling. I just had a strange feeling that something would happen, and soon.

After several minutes, I let tiredness take over my body, and I fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

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