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Reader's POV

'So how was it?'

I sat at a table with Paris. She must of heard us get called down to garage B-400 on the PA system last night. I looked into her blue eyes and smiled.

'It was rather...interesting. We all split up. I went with Todd Delainie and Judy went with Ben Tono. I'm guessing that the guys we fought were members of the Avengers. I just hope that we have the information we needed. I never saw Ben until we escaped'

Paris nodded while her eyes were full of amazement. I had no idea where Marissa or Jeremias was. I knew that Judy was in the infirmary. She got blasted in her knee by the suited man. With me just being a thief and not of a higher rank, I probably would never know if we got the information needed. The only way would be if I were to ask someone who knew. But all of my friends are below higher status like me.

I decided to get up to get ready for daily training. I looked down at Paris when I stood up.

'I'm going to head to the training room. I'll see you later'

With that, I left the cafeteria and headed downstairs.


That same moment at the Avengers Tower

'Seriously, Tony? A foursome of kids wearing black who broke into the tower last night?' Bruce rubbed his temples.

'He's not lying. I was there too. I got tazed' Steve argued.

'This one girl was crazy good. Kind of like you, Natasha' Tony stated.

Natasha said nothing and looked at her feet.

'If you are telling the truth, we know nothing about them or where they came from' Clint stated.

'They plugged a USB into the hard drive. They took everything. Including the information Fury trusted us with'

Steve groaned and punched the wall.

'We need to know who they are. When we do, maybe we can stop them' Natasha said.

'The only ones who'd want SHEILD's secrets would be HYDRA' Steve exclaimed.

'You mean, those kids from last night are working for HYDRA?!'

'I'm one hundred percent sure'

'We need to know everything about them and we kneed to know, now'

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