Untitled Part 8

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My hand grabbed onto the door and I pushed as hard as I could! The huge door started to slide open, and i stumbled inside... My eyes met a horrible sight and my face went as pale as a....vampire. I froze up seeing Dio standing a few feet in front of father who was laying on the floor. Jojo was kneeling down to him. My eyes turned back to Dio who was laughing like a mainiac. I feel to my knees, making a load noise on the hard wood floor.  "D.....Dad...." I stuttered out. My vision blurred with water. Dios laughing stopped atomaticly, and snapped his attention to me. Suddenly I heard my father let out, "you know...... its not so bad to die in your sons arms..." After that I heard silence. Dio was still staring at me. Jojo lowered father down onto the floor, and got up. Dio took a few steps toward me. I tried my best to get up to my feet, but I was still frozen. "DIO!" Jojo yelled before trying to punch Dio, but somehow he flew across the room,letting Jojo fall to the ground with a THUD! I saw another man try to sneak up and hit Dio, but he jumped back out of the way. Dio landed softly onto the ground in front of me. He pulled out something out of his pocket. It looked fimiliar. It was my drawing pen... He kneeled down next to me. "Come with me (y/n)...." By this time water was rolling down my checks, and dripping on the floor in front of me. "W......Why......did you.....do this..." I let my head fall, so all the sadness poured out on the floor. He pulled me close and placed a hand on my side. He pulled me close. "Cause.... I cant live without you .... (y/n)..." He let go, before getting up. "Stay alive (y/n)! Ill come back for you!" 

Without thinking my hand reached out towards him as he dissapered out into the darkness 

"THE BLONDE VAMPIRE" DIO X READERWhere stories live. Discover now