Untitled Part 5

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"Eh.....h....?" I yawned as my eyes opened. Looking around my room I panicked cause I started to remember what happened. Dio and Jojo had gotten in a fight and Jojo punched me.... I cant remember the rest. My whole body felt like someone shot me everywhere. Than it came to me... Dio must be hurt I have to get to him. I opened the door and staggered around the hall looking for someone. One of the servents came to help me. "My lady you are hurt you must go back to your room and lie down." I keeped pushing myself down the hall. "N....n....no... I .... cant...go back..........without....Dio.." My whole body was about to collapse. 

Maids pov

I looked up and saw Miss (y/n) struggling to get down the hall. I had heard that something happened with Dio and Jojo, she must have gotten hurt in the process. I ran up the stairs to offer her help. "My lady your hurt you must go back to your room and lie down". I said worried. "N....n....no...I.....cant.....go...back...........without....Dio.." She let out stuttering. My eyes widend at the fact that she would not give up....that she loved...him. No thats impossible she has only known him for a month! I looked back over at her. She was still trying to get down the hall. I sighed and let her lean on me.

(back to your pov)

Suddenly the maid let me lean on her. When we reached Dios door three servants were trying to get in with medical aid. 

Servent man 1: D...Dio sir....you must let us in if you want your wounds to heal.

Servent man 2: Dio sir.. please let us in.



My eyes went huge when I heard what he said. "You idiot... Dio..." I spoke out softly after placing my hand on the door.

Dio: ..... (y/n)......

I saw all four servants leave to head down stairs. I fell to my knees by in front of the door. "Dio...you cant lock people out forever....., because there are certain people who care about you" My heart skipped a beat when i said that. 

(Dios pov) 

After a while i heard the servants hush. I walked up to the door, just staring at it. I heard a fimiliar voice. "You idiot....Dio...". My eyes went huge as I stepped forward.  ".....(y/n)....."   I wispered out. "Dio you cant lock people out forever......, because there are certain people who care about you" The voice wispered sadly.

(your pov) 

I heard the door start to open. Dio stood there in shock. He stared down at me. 

Dio: You.... care... about..... worthless trash.... like....me?" 

My got up to my feet. "IDIOT!" I yelled, before slapping him on the cheek. "DONT SAY THAT! YOUR NOT WORTHLESS! SO STOP BEING SUCH A BIG BABY ABOUT IT AND LET OTHERS HELP YOU!" Before I said anymore I leaped up and embraced him in a long hug and keeped on holding on to him. "So shut up" I let out before letting him go and taking him down to the servants room to get fixed up.

"THE BLONDE VAMPIRE" DIO X READERWhere stories live. Discover now