Untitled Part 6

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After getting all him all patched up I grabbed Dios hand and ran him outside. Our house had lots

 and lots of property, so I took him up on the him up on a hill over looking our house and the

 lake beside it. I sat down on the grass. The wind was so delightful I pointed my face up to it

 When I did that my hair was blown out of my face. Dio noticed my bangs blow out of my face, 

and spoke softly "Your beautiful". I blushed and acted like I did not hear him say it. "What was 

that Dio?" I responded shyly. He started stuttering "O....oh....n...nothing (y-y/n)" I smiled back at 

him. He blushed and looked away. Our fingers began to enter twining. He leaned in closer to me.

 I blushed, and leaned near him. Soon something rough was placed my lips. I returned the kiss. 

Suddenly the sun shone brighter than ever before. All the clouds were sparkling, as the beautiful

 green grass started to glistin. It was a amazing scene. When me and Dio started to pull away 

from each other all I did was stare into his charming eyes. After than I leaned on him. It felt like a

dream. Dio wispered in my ear "Stay with me forever... never let me go." I smiled and replied 

"Dont worry I wont" My eyes started filling up with tears of happyness. "I love you.....(y/n)". With 

those words he spoke to me, tears started falling down my cheeks. "Dont cry (y/n)..." He frowned

"I....im not crying.....I...IM JUST SO HAPPY!" I jumped up and hugged him almost knocking him 


Fathers pov

I looked out the window that day and saw the most breathtaking sight ever. You know I had 

never thought my daughter would find love, but she has. Im so glad Dio came to us. She loves 

him so much. I looked behind me and saw all the sevants huddled up by the window crying. A 

few tears fell from my eyes as I watched closly. It was one the the happyest days of my life.

"THE BLONDE VAMPIRE" DIO X READERWhere stories live. Discover now