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Hey guys I just want to say thank you guys sooooo much for reading this story I appreciate you all a lot and we are sooo close to 500 readers like wow thank you guys soo much I love you all soo much!!!

Kalin's P.O.V
So today it's just one of those days were I just chill with Cam and Jake and Myles bit obviously Myles is busy dealing with some problems right now he found out that his dad has cancer and they are going to appreciate every moment that they have together since they barley see each other and it makes sense to.

Myles P.O.V
I'm spending time with my dad today and everything because I found out that our dad got cancer which honestly sucks like a lot because Lauren is actually a live and well but I'm still mad and upset about it and a little harsh because I know Tia did a lot of bad things to her but it doesn't matter sense to do something that bad to someone but now I just realized I just ruined my chances with My favorite girl because she was different from other girls and everything and now I need expected her to do something like that but now I'm with Tia still and she is still a bitch and keep saying how much she doesn't miss Lauren and everything which makes me sad a lot and now I'm barley hanging out with her.

Hey guys I just want to say something you all special in your own way you all are beautiful and amazing don't say you can't do anything but you can you just gotta find something you are good at and remember their is nobody like you and that's something to be proud of you and life is just full of ups and downs but remember their is always a way to be positive and to be Happy and find people who inspired you like a lot.

And yeah I hope you all like my little speech but I hope this helps if you are going through anything in life you can always come to me or anyone who is close to you and I love guys soo much and you idols love you to like a lot and they will notice you just be patient and be positive about it

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