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After I jot everything pack up and ready I saw Myles and I hope he didn't see start crying and then I put on my shoes the boys are doing a soundcheck so the can explore Florida and during soundcheck Myles and Jake randomly start fighting over the stupid it was funny I'm going miss them always fighting over something so stupid and then I saw Kalin and he said so you are leaving the tour and I said yeah because of Tia she said I did all of this stuff that i did all of this stuff to her and I didn't and now the manager is kicking off the tour I'm leaving like in two hours I think or before the boys go on stage.

Skip a Few hours
The concert was starting soon and the boys did there meet and greet and it went by quick and then Myles came up to me said you are leaving because of what Tia did to you and I said to Myles and yeah but it doesn't matter I'll be fine don't worry about me and I love the puppy that you gave me it will remain me of you and he hugged me and kissed me on the check and he said I'm telling the manager what happened you didn't deserve it at all and I smiled at Myles and he look at me and he was about to cry.

I decided to watch the boys and they were having fun and Then Myles decided to call Myles name on stage and I came out and Tyler grab me a stool and I sat down and Myles said the Reason why I invited Lauren out here because I love her soo much she is soo special to me she means everything I don't what I'll do without her she makes my day she always makes me happy and Lauren you are No ordinary Girl You make me smile you make me laugh I love you that about you you are soo sweet and my fans love you Lauren will you be my Girlfriend?! And the whole crowd was staring at me and I started and I said Yes and I hugged him and Kiss him. This moment was soo perfect until Kalin said Myles watch out and Tia came in storming Mad and she started Hitting and she had a knife in her hand and I kept saying to myself I'm not going to die I kept repeating it and then everything went black all I remember is Myles in complete shock.

I hope you all like this and I love you all. Sooooo much and keep spreading Love and positivity and yeah Love you all. ❤️❤️❤️

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