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The Next day

I decided to go home because I didn't want to deal with Tia and Myles drama because they are frightening over about me and Myles being friends so I decided to leave and my flight finally landed and I dove to my apartment and drop my suitcase in my room and I decided to relax and go on my phone and I see Tia and Myles fighting in front of there fans and they all were soo confused. I decided not to say anything I feel really really bad for Myles I hope he is ok and I know his fans are always there for him no matter what and he hold them why they were fighting and all of fans response ok to it and said positivity to him and Tia well to both of them which is good and after a good fifteen minutes on there I got a text from Myles saying hey can you please come over and I said yeah sure and I quickly changed into a pair of leggings and a black tank top and a flannel and I wrapped it around my waist and put on mine black and white old skools and I grabbed my phone and backpack and left the apartment and I decided to talk to Myles house after a few minute walk I got there and i knocked on the front door and Jake answered it and Said Hey Lauren what's up and I said Hey Jake is Myles home and yeah he said he is in his room makin beats. I came in and walked up the stairs and I saw Myles and he looked at me for a sec and Myles said I think we need to talk   And I said ohh okay what's up and Myles started talking and said Lauren I don't think we should be friends anymore I think it's for the best if we don't see each other and the reason why because Tia doesn't want me to be friends with me and I looked down at floor and I said started crying and I said wow ohh okay then I'll leave then and I walked out of the room.

And went down stairs and left and went to the beach because I love the beach it's soo peaceful here and when I got there I started crying and looked at the sunset and it reminded me of Myles and I remembered how we came best friends and now he doesn't want me to hangout with him or anything.

The Next Morning
I took a shower and got dressed and now I'm laying in bed for the whole and I went on Netflix and watch my favorite tv show stranger things and I love that show and after a Few hours of watching that someone knocked on the door and I got up and I see it's Jake and Dom and I let them in and Jake said I feel soo bad for you you and Myles should be friends with again and I said yeah sure but it was his choice and now I'm just laying in bed and watching Netflix and Dom said Aw Lau should of invited me next time and kept you company and I said yeah you should of you are my best friend we have been soo close since I met you and Dom said yeah but tonight we can have a girls night if you want to . I said umm maybe idk I'm kinda of not in a mood and then I started crying and Dom and Jake hugged me and said we can stay with you if you have a spare bedroom and u said yeah I do it's a cross the hall from mine you guys can have it and they both said ohh okay thanks

That night I decided to sit on th roof and I looked at the sunset and started thinking and then I see Kalin and He said what are you doing up here by yourself and I said I just wanted to be alone and Kalin came up to me and hugged me and said its going to be ok and I smiled thanks Kalin I appreciate that and we stayed up there and kept talking for two hours and until I put my head on his shoulder and Looked up at him and smiled and he smiled

Hey guys I hope you guys enjoy this and I love you all thank you for 71 readers wow thank you all sooo much I appreciate all of you and Dm me or more ideas for this story and Question do you guys want a second book Vote and comment please and Yeah I love you guys sooo much and I appreciate all of you and Keep Chasing Dreams no matter what Love you all!!!!!❤️❤️❤️

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