Chapter Eighteen

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The next morning I woke up after everyone else. Gia and Alli were tapping at their iPhones and I rubbed my eyes as I sat up.

"Morning." I say unenthusiastically, my voice cracking.

"Hola. We're going shopping today to get us dresses." Alli says while yawning. I nod my head and we go upstairs to get ready.

I let my hair naturally fall down in waves, but put on ripped jeans, a pink and white stripped cardigan, and a white tank top underneath. I stole a pair of Gia's grey uggs and quick swiped on some mascara. Gia wore a pencil skirt and white top, classy as usual. And Alli just borrowed a pair of my yoga pants and Pink hoodie.

Right before we were about to leave, the doorbell rang.

"Got it!" I say and open the door.

"Morning beautiful!" Cody says with a bright smile on his face.

"Hey! You wanna come to the mall with us? You can get something for the party." I offer. He nods and we all pile into Gia's car, Alli in the front so Cody and I could sit next to each other.

"How about this?" I say to Alli, holding up a teal mid-thigh dress with lace outlining it.


I laugh, "easy enough!"

She goes to pay while Cody and I look for Gia. She's more of a glittery and pink person, so we choose a sequined dress with dark pink at the top that eventually faded as the dress went down.

Last but not least, we headed to some stores for Cody. He got dark skinny jeans with a blue dress shirt and a black tie. It looked similar to an outfit he wore for a concert, but that's okay.

"I wish it was Friday, not gonna lie." I sigh. They all nod in agreement and we head home to chill for a little.

"I want nachos." Cody says as he raids my pantry.

"Feel free." I giggle, but he pays no attention. He is too intent on finding the nacho supplies.

He pulls out a tray and gets to work while Alli and I join Gia on the couch. She puts in The Hills Have Eyes and I shift uncomfortably.

"Why must we always watch horror movies?" I ask.

"Because they're freakin' awesome." Alli replies simply. I laugh as Cody sits next to me.

Angie comes far too soon to pick up Alli and Cody. I have school tomorrow, and it was already 10:30. I yawn and head up to bed after kissing Cody goodnight, and hugging Alli.


I get up the next morning and throw my hair into a ponytail. I don't feel like doing anything to it, so I just leave it as it is. I walk over to my closet, half asleep, and put on my new light wash jeans and a purple v-neck with a light blue tank top under it. I wasn't exactly dressed to my fullest extent so I decided to wear a smaller pair of Gia's black heels. I looked half decent.

"Ready?" Gia asks as I slink into her car.

"Yeah" I grumble, too tired to even say any more than that.

I get to school and I'm bombarded with people. First up is Megan Henchweld.

"I can't wait for your party!" She says.

"Will there be alcohol?" Gregg Kahn asks.

"Any strippers?" David Fender asks.

"What should I get you?" Leesa Green asks.

"You look so pretty today!" Hannah Inn says.

Before I had time to answer any of the questions, Callie came to my rescue.

"Give the birthday girl some space to breathe guys! She isn't taking questions right now. Especially from losers." She hisses. They all back up and make a path for Callie and I to walk through and I weakly smile at everyone.



"Are you excited for your party tomorrow, Jazz?" Leah asks as she links her arm through mine when I reach the top of the entrance stairs of the school.

"I'm so excited!" Rachel and Maci say at the same time, then laugh as they link my arms through theirs.

"It's going to be amazing." Callie agrees as she too, links her arm in. We walk into school together as people turn to look as they usually do, whispering envious and excitedly. Probably about how hot they looked, and probably about how hot they are sure to look at the party.

I make it through the day and through practice and get home. I lay down on my bed and decide to Skype with Cody for a while. He answers smiling on the first ring.

"Hey angel." He says.

"Hi!" I say smiling at my nickname.

"You ready for your big day?"

"Why of course. Are YOU ready?"

"Oh yes! You're going to look so beautiful in that dress."

I blush, "Thank you."

"You're blushing.."

"I am not!" I protest, but end up blushing even more and covering my face with my hands.

"Don't cover your face, it's too pretty!"

"Are you trying to make me blush more?!" I say looking up and laughing.

Just then I get a call from someone who's name I knew all too well. "Call from ShaeShae143"

"IT'S SHAE!" I scream.

"Shae?" Cody asks, but I quickly accept the call and watch her reaction from seeing Cody, to seeing me, then back to Cody. Her mic was off but I saw her screaming and jumping up and down.

"Oh Shae. How I've missed you." I laugh.

"Good news!" She says, "I'm flying out for your party tomorrow!"

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