Chapter Nine

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"Alright guys, we're here!" Angie said as she pulled up to a large white building with neon signs all over the place. The signs said "THE DESTINY". It's probably some exclusive teen night club that all the stars went to and had their birthday bashes at. I laughed mentally at how cliche it looked.

"I'MMMMMM COMING UP SO YOU BETTER GET THIS PARTY STARTED!" Alli sang obnoxiously as we stepped out of the car. I giggled along with the others but immediatly looked down and blushed when

Cody threw his arm over my shoulder. My heart was pounding but I somehow managed to conjure up some courage and put my arm around his waist.  I finally looked up after what seemed like forever and saw Cody smiling.

He led me over to what looked like a regular door but when we opened it there was a long red carpet sprawled out.

"No. No, no, no. There's no way in heck I'm walking on that." I say feeling uneasy.

"Yes. Yes, yes, yes. That beauty isn't going to waste."

I blush and smile but still feel scared to walk the carpet. But before I know it I'm being pushed along with Cody still holding onto me and off onto the carpet. I manage to muster up a glowing smile for the cameras but I can't even see.

"All these flashes are blinding!" I say through my teeth to Cody.

"Yeah, you get to use to it! just a few more minutes then we can go par-taaay!" I laugh and we stand and pose together for a few more shots. My eyes finally started adjusting to the light and I went over to get some pictures with Alli and Greyson.  After about five more minutes of doing the same thing, the four of us head off into the building.

"Alli! Cody! Grey-Grey! And....." Bella paused not knowing my name.

"Its Jazzlyn!" I say with a polite smile.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Cody's girlfriend Bella!" She says extending her hand.

I felt myself lose coloration in my face but smiled anyway, I gently shook her hand avoiding her eyes.

"I have to go to the bathroom." I mumble and push my way through the crowd with Alli not far behind me.

"JAZZYLYN! JAZZLYN!" I head Alli call from outside my stall door.

I didn't answer. I just leaned against the door not wanting to talk to anyone. I wasn't upset, I really wasn't. I was just....numb. I didn't feel anything.

"Jazzlyn please listen to me. Bella does this all the time. She likes Cody a lot and got mad when she found out you guys were fake dating...or dating...or....whatever you guys were doing. He likes you Jazzlyn."

"I'm not upset." I say after taking a long pause.

"Your not?"

"No. I just really had to go to the bathroom."

"OH! Okay! Well meet me outside when your all done!"


I heard the door close and I came out of the stall and went over to the mirrors. I stared at my reflection, not knowing if the girl staring back was me or not.

Sure she had the same long black hair, light pink lips, and skinny body but I didn't feel right. When Cody saw me he said I looked beautiful. Why couldn't he say that when I wasn't dressed up as someone I wasn't? I sighed and turned away, leaving the bathroom and wanting to dance.

I made my way over to cody and the others smiling. Cody turned around and looked me in the eyes.

"She's stupid. Don't listen to a word she says." He whispers to me.

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