Chapter Fifteen

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I woke up to the sound of my obnoxious alarm clock. I can’t believe that summer is officially over and I’ll be starting school today. Hopefully 9th grade won’t suck.

I put on the outfit that I had picked out and went to my bathroom to straighten my hair. It takes about 20 minutes and then I head downstairs to eat some breakfast.

"Hey brat!" Gia greets me oh so warmly.

I laugh and grab myself an apple.

"You excited for today? I hear the school has a photography class. You should be the class model." I say jokingly.

"Right! But you should defiantly audition for the plays. The stage is HUGE." She tells me. I’ve always been into theater, but I never really thought I was good enough to make it in a show. But now is the perfect time to re-invent myself. Who knows, maybe I’ll turn out to be the popular head cheerleader! Like that’ll happen.


"Class, we have a new student!" Says my way too spirited History teacher Mrs. Tamber. It’s already the second marking period here, so I actually could be classified as "new".

I could feel everyone’s eyes on me and my face gets hot.

"Why don’t you tell us about yourself?" She instructs me.

"Uh, well…My name is Jazzlyn Reece, and I moved here from New Jersey. And…yeah."

"Alright sounds cool! We’re all excited to have you here! Why don’t go take a seat over there by Leah! Leah, raise your hand please."

I see a pretty brunette girl with hazel eyes raise her hand and I make my way over to the seat to her right.

"Hi, I’m Leah! Nice to meet you." She says with a warm smile. I smile back and Mrs. Tamber gives me my book.

Halfway through the lesson the phone rings for me to go to the main office. I know I’m not in trouble, but I can’t help but feel nervous.

"Chris, will you please take our new friend to the office?"

"Sure, let’s go!" Says the familiar deep voice. I roll my eyes and head out the door with him.

"I didn’t know you were coming here today…"

I give him a small nod and he suddenly stops.

"Okay. What is it? Did Dave talk to you? Because don’t listen to a word he says, I’m-"

"No Chris. Just save it. This has nothing to do with anyone but me, okay?"

"Whatever." That’s all he says for the rest of our trip to the office. When I finally get there he turns around and continues walking without a word.

"Hello Jazzlyn!" Says the principal that I met yesterday.

"Hi!" I say with a smile.

"We need to sign you up for some activities. Everyone is required to do at least 2 after school activities."

"Oh, um, alright…" I say, not sure of what I want to do.

Theater. That’s one. And I have taken gymnastics since I was about 9, so maybe I could join that?

"You said you liked theater, correct?" She asked me, probably remembing how I was amazed by the gigantic stage.

"Yeah! And I know gymnastics so-"

"Cheerleading?" She suggests.

I laugh, thinking she's joking, but then realize she looks dead serious.

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