Chapter Two

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"Cody I'm only joking. Of course I know who you are." I saying slightly laughing.

"Oh! Just not a crazed fan?"

".....yeah that's it." I say hesitantly.

If you really thought about it, I wasn't a crazed fan. Of HIM at least. His music was good, yeah...but hes a popstar. They always end up being self centered jerks that only want you for publicity. I can't fall for him. Not now at least. I decided to act like I wasn't a fan. Here I go again with the pretending.

"Okay sweetie here we are!" Angie said disrupting my thoughts.

"Thanks so much Mrs.Simpson!" I smile and get out of the car. I turn around to close the door but realize cody is right behind me.

"what are you doing?" I ask attempting to sound annoyed. Don't look in his eyes...WHATEVER YOU DO DON'T. LOOK. IN. HIS. EYES. He's a jerk Jazz, remember that.

"Walking you to the door. Like a real gentleman!"

"Thanks but I'm not 4 I don't need an escort." I say cringing, and turning to walk up the stairs to my house.

Cody followed me though, just like I expected him to.

We reached my doorstep and I turned to face him.

"Thank you for assisting me on that highly dangerous journey." I day sarcastically.

"Anytime! Maybe we can do it again sometime...can I have your number?" He asked smiling.

I opened my mouth to speak but I was cut off by screaming girls and bright flashes.

"IT'S CODY SIMPSON!!!" the girls screamed and ran as fast as they could over to us. The paparazzi was there too, asking us million questions.

"Are u two dating?"

"Who is the mystery girl?"

"Will u kiss for us?"

As they got closer we started to panic.

"OPEN THE DOOR" Cody whisper yelled.

I turned to handle, but nothing happened. Locked out. Great.

By now the paparazzi had gotten millions of pictures and girls were all over Cody. Angie came to his rescue while I snaked around the other side of the house to the garage. Luckily no one noticed me leave, and I waited outside until I was certain the fans and paps had left.

That was insane. I'm probably going to be all over the news everywhere. In magazines, EVERYTHING. All because he had to walk me to the door.

On the bright side, I didn't give him my number, so maybe it will die down soon enough.

On the not so bright side...I just met Cody Simpson and didn't give him my number when he asked. He was probably just joking about hanging out again. Local boys don't even go for me...why would Cody Simpson?

Not wanting to confuse myself more, I pushed the topic from my head and opened the garage door with the new code.

"10258" I whispered to myself. The garage door silently opened and I went into the house.

I didn't notice until now that I was completely soaked from head to toe. My hair probably looks like death.

"Hey honey, did you get stuck in the rain?" My mom asks.


"I called you to pick you up, but you didn't answer."

I looked at my phone and saw I had two missed calls from her. Maybe she did care...?

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