Thoughts, changes and shooting stars.

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"My poor dino queen. She must be so lost without me" Hassleberry then said and sniffed. They others didn't comment on that. Chazz looked over at Syrus.

"Syrus, I can understand your shock" he then said "The twins being..".

"Tara and Jaden aren't dead!" Syrus then yelled and got up from the chair. He was staring angrily at Chazz "They were not sacrificing themselves. Jaden said, they just had something to do. Something regarding their destiny. They will return!". Then he stormed out of the cafeteria. Alexis and the others sighed deeply.

"Man what is his problem?" Chazz sneered and leaned his head at his arm on the table. "Yelling at me like that".

"You should be more delicate towards other's feelings Soldier" Hassleberry then said and sniffed "Syrus were the last one to see the twins. He saw things first hand..".

"Hey! I was delicate" Chazz then sneered "I am the most sad here. You are not the one who is losing his ace rival after all".

"Well that is true. Jaden was the most daring and subtle duelist there is" Atticus added. "A duelist like Jaden, may never pop up again". Alexis smiled and nodded.

"Tara was also an amazing duelist" she then said and recalled a duel she was having with her "She wanted to duel me because I was the strongest female duelist there were. Her combo's with Marshmellow throw me off guard". Hassleberry sighed.

"Yeah my dino queen is one of a kind. She is talented and very beautiful" he said in a dreaming voice "However I also remember the duel with Jaden. The bet we made so that I could go on a date with her. Sadly I lost big time, but Tara promised me to go out with her if I ever beat the sarge, but now they are both gone and I will never have my date or a chance to duel the sarge". Then he began crying like hell. Chazz, Alexis and Atticus sweatdropped a little. Then Chazz snort a little.

"You're all a bunch of softies" he then proclaimed and sneered "I was once the ace of the school, and yet Jaden beat me so many times, that I can still taste the earth in my mouth. His sister was not better. She always challenged me to weird competitions or made fun of me. Even now when I think about it, they are getting on my nerves".

"Oh I thought it was the other way around" Atticus hummed "Weren't you the one who always challenged them? Or was it only Jaden you challenged to duels?".

Alexis giggled a little, and even Hassleberry stopped crying and looked at him. Chazz sneered rather annoyed, got up from his chair and walked over to the table with the two plates of food they had made for the twins. He grabbed the food and began stuffing his face. Hassleberry looked in horror and rushed over to stop him.

"Ah don't touch that soldier, this is for the Sarge and the dino queen" he sneered and tried restrain Chazz. They were fighting like hell over the food.

In the end Chazz still managed to eat all the food on both the plates.

"Don't come back your slifer slacker" he then yelled to the air properly "You and your stupid annoying twin sister, can stay far away for all I care".

"Man you so immature soldier" Hassleberry then said. Alexis giggled a little.

"But in all honesty Chazz, wasn't it because of the twins that we have you here right now?" she then questioned "Jaden defeated you in the school duel, and Tara made you think about what you really wanted in life? She even stood up to your brothers".

"Hehe nice phrase sissy" Atticus then said. Alexis however noticed he was a little down. Chazz froze a little and pulled out the rest of the last fried shrimp he was eating. He actually looked a little thoughtful now.

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